The Reit way to buy property

Post on: 6 Октябрь, 2015 No Comment

The Reit way to buy property

Real Estate Investment Trusts were introduced at the beginning of the month, giving investors a tax-efficient way of getting exposure to commercial property.

Nine of the UK’s largest listed property companies have converted to Reit status, including Land Securities, British Land, Hammerson, Liberty International, Brixton, Great Portland Estates, Primary Health Properties, Workspace and Slough Estates.

Although investors could previously buy shares in these companies, their conversion to Reit status makes it more tax-efficient to do so. But if you are looking for exposure into commercial property, why should you choose a Reit over a property fund or investment trust? We weigh up the pros and cons of the various commercial property investment vehicles.


Nine UK-listed property companies have already converted to Reit status, with several more preparing to do so.

Liquidity — Investors are able to get in and out of commercial property just as easily as they would buy and sell shares in a company. Reit companies can invest in commercial and residential property, but commercial is the dominant part of the business for many. They are also cheap to buy – all you need to spend is the usual share dealing costs, without any initial fees or annual management charges.

Tax — Before Reits, investors in UK-listed property companies used to pay a double tax. The company paid corporation and capital gains tax on the property-related business activities, while the shareholder paid capital gains tax and income tax on dividends. Now, Reit companies will no longer pay corporation tax if they distribute 90% of their profits to shareholders as dividends.

Dividends — As a result of the above, dividends in these companies are likely to grow. British Land said it expects its dividend to be 33p per share in its first full-year as a Reit – double its divi in the last financial year.

Isa-compatible — You can put Reits in an Isa wrapper, which means you won’t pay tax on capital gains or dividends. Gavin Oldham of the Share Centre says investors should make sure they take advantage of their Isa allowance. You can stash up to £7,000 each financial year into an equity maxi-Isa.

Volatility – Investors need to remember they are still buying shares, not bricks and mortar. Therefore, the share price will be influenced by what is happening in the wider equity market as well as the commercial property market. In fact, during the volitility of the summer, property shares fell and rose more dramatically than the overall FTSE All Share index.

Value — The share price of several of the companies that have converted to Reit status has jumped in advance of the change, making it more difficult for investors to find companies that offer value. The Share Centre’s Gavin Oldham says: ‘Property stocks have risen significantly, in some cases by 45%, so some of the stocks are overvalued. We aren’t recommending a purchase on any of the companies at present, and in a couple of cases we are recommending a sell.’

Tax — What the taxman gives with one hand he will take back with the other. While dividends from non-Reit shares, unit trusts or Oeics are taxed at 10% for basic-rate tax payers or 32.5% for higher rate payers, Reit investors will pay 20% or 40%, depending on their personal tax band. This is because Reits are classed as property-letting income and will be taxed as such.

Unattractive yields — Even though dividends are likely to rise, yields are still pretty low. For example, based on British Land’s current share price of 1604p, its planned dividend of 33p would be just over 2%. It is a poor return compared to the average net dividend of 5.1% produced by the funds in the Association of Investment Companies’ property sector last year.


Don’t be confused – these are different from Reits. Property investment trusts pool investors’ money to purchase property and property company shares. According to the Association of Investment Companies, there are 23 property investment trusts available to investors, all but one of which are domiciled overseas. These are listed on the stock market and shares as with any other quoted company.

Tax — Like Reits, property investment trusts offer attractive tax breaks. Even though they are UK listed, most of the trusts are based in Guernsey, the Isle of Man or the Cayman Islands, so they pay no capital gains tax on UK investments. In addition, they do not pay corporation tax on income derived from overseas sources. The tax on dividends is the same as any typical company, so investors don’t pay as much tax as they would with a Reit and they don’t pay stamp duty on UK share purchases.


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Less volatile — These trusts will also reflect the underlying value of commercial property more accurately than Reits as they aren’t as influenced by what is happening in the wider stock market. Although investment trusts are listed on the stock market, they tend to be less volatile than normal company shares because they hold a range of investments that spread risk. Therefore, they could be more useful as a portfolio diversification tool. Mark Dampier, head of research at IFA Hargreaves Lansdown, says: ‘With a Reit you are buying a share of a company, but with a property investment company it is more like buying bricks and mortar.’

Cheap — Like Reits they are cheap to buy as you do not pay commission to middlemen to purchase them, or stamp duty. Instead, buying charges are often as little as 0.5%, or even a flat £10, and annual management charges are around 0.75%.

Isable — You can put property investment trust companies in an Isa wrapper, which means you won’t pay tax on capital gains or dividends. You can stash up top £7,000 each financial year into an equity maxi- Isa.

Gearing – These firms can borrow against their assets. Therefore, it’s not just the money they take from investors that they can spend on property — they can also borrow to invest. If they get it right, returns for investors are amplified.

Gearing – If the fund manager makes the wrong investment decisions with money borrowed, or borrows too much, it could be detrimental to the fund. Gearing adds to the risk factor of the investment.

The Reit way to buy property

Demand — The price of the property investment trust company will not just depend on the value or performance of the property held within the fund. It will also depend in the demand for the trust shares themselves. For example, the property may be performing extremely well, but if investors believe there are better return stories in other sectors or have doubts about the particular investment company, then the share price may suffer.


Again, these are collective investments that pool investors’ money to purchase property and property company shares. However, there are distinct differences from investment trusts, the main one being that they aren’t listed on the stock exchange. There are 19 major property funds available, with some of the largest providers including Norwich Union, New Star and Scottish Widows Investment Partnership.

Diversification – There are two types of property funds, those that invest directly in property and those that invest in property company shares. Both offer elements of diversification. Funds that invest in a number of shares spread the risk, and many invest in companies that will receive the benefits of having converted to Reit status. Funds will also tend to invest in global stocks so they are not concentrated on the UK market. Aberdeen Property Share, the UK’s most successful property fund last year with a return of 44.1%, adopts this model.

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In addition, funds that invest in direct property also require a degree of liquidity to return money to investors selling their units in the fund. Therefore, a percentage of the fund will be held in cash and property company shares, adding to the diversification. For example, the Norwich Union Property Trust, one of the oldest and largest property funds, holds 65% in direct property ownership and 20% in property shares.

Free from stock market influence – The funds aren’t listed. so they are not at the mercy of the wider equity markets and their performance is purely down to the manager’s investment decisions. Returns from funds that invest directly in property are generated from rental income and capital gains on the property owned by the fund and therefore their performance is more closely correlated to what is happening in the commercial property market. The commercial property market can perform contra-cyclical to shares and financial advisers recommend a portfolio contains between 10% and 15% of commercial property to offer this protection.

Stability – Because these funds aren’t listed and their performance is closely linked to the commercial property market, they tend to be a stable investment. Historically commercial property has offered a gentle ride and hasn’t experienced the peaks and troughs that the equity market has endured, with returns averaging at 8% to 10% a year. Long-term rents also guarantees a steady flow of income.

Isable — You can hold property funds in an Isa wrapper, which means you won’t pay tax on capital gains or dividends. You can stash up top £7,000 each financial year into an equity maxi-Isa.

Tax – Property is classed as an asset class, just like shares, bonds or cash. The disadvantage for the funds that invest directly in property is that they don’t get the exemption from corporation tax and other tax benefits that Reits and offshore property investment companies enjoy. This is something that the Investment Management Association is lobbying the Government to change and in his recent Pre-Budget Report, Gordon Brown said talks were ongoing.

Costs — Funds charge an initial charge and then an annual management fee, so it can be an expensive way to invest. The Norwich Union fund, for example, charges 5% upfront and 1.25% a year. However, the initial charge can be reduced if the investor buys via a fund supermarket.

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