RealEstate Investing That Will Change Your Life!
Post on: 15 Июнь, 2015 No Comment

Were fed up with all the B.S. being taught about how to invest in real estate.
Listen to the two brothers who have created a system used to create over 132 cash flow investment properties in an 18-month period you CAN do it, have fun doing it and make money doing it! (And weve got the clients to prove it.)
From Tom & Nick Karadza. Burlington, Ontario, Canada
Dear Friend,
Do you really want to start investing in real estate and even believe you can be very good at it, but wish you could make some sense out of all the conflicting information out there?
Are you confused with exactly HOW to buy the right property in the right area?
Have you spent money on boot camp courses on how to make money fast from real estate, but their methods feel completely inauthentic and uncomfortable?
Do you feel almost embarrassed to tell friends and family you are interested in real estate because they associate it with late night TV infomercials?
And, most importantly, are you starting to think that the get rich quick model of investing is OVER, and youre looking for the way that actually WORKS?
Well, youre in the right place and we cant wait to help you!
But first, we have to let you know, were just as sick and tired of seeing all the real estate investing B.S. out there as you are.
And we think that were not alone.
At one recent event we attended the professional investor spent an entire hour explaining that the key to making money in real estate was buying a property for cheap and then selling it to someone else for more than you bought it for. (Duh!) Simple as pie.
Then they just happened to have a good deal available for pennies on the dollar. It was the chance of a lifetime for the attendees to invest in the depressed U.S. market and it was only available to the first few people to put their name on a list (we couldnt believe what was going on).
There was no mention of ANY of the basic fundamentals to investing, things like: population growth trends, economic activity, average family income, transportation route developments etc.
It drives us crazy and makes us cringe every time we hear a piece of real estate pitched in such an incomplete and incompetent manner.
A few days later one of their associates emailed us to suggest we invest or offer the property to our clients. When we asked for the actual address of the property (because the city was so small we had never even heard of it), and if we could see the home inspection report, and economic indicators for the area and who the property manager would be — the response was shocking. We got a thank you and no answers to any questions! Zip, nadda, nothing!
We can only assume if you are not willing to invest with a complete lack of information then its not worth their time.
This shocked us! Why? Who in their right mind would invest in a property for pennies on the dollar without knowing any details of the investment?
They were trying to use tactics from the 1980s to ram these properties down peoples throats. And back in the crazy 80s it probably worked well.
Its Time For a New Approach
People are smartening up.
The old school model of selling is gone. We are all fed up with being bossed around and told that if we dont act fast were missing the chance of a lifetime. Sheesh, enough already.
This is a PERFECT opportunity for a new wave of investors to stand up and make a difference.
And we are.
When we speak in front of groups and explain the fundamentals and proven systems of investing people come up to us in disbelief that we share so much good content with them.
And they cant believe that we own and operate a real estate brokerage in Burlington, Ontario to work exclusively with investors.
The industry veterans laughed when we
opened a specialty real estate brokerage
until they saw the results.
For years the only way to get real-life, solid, practical investing systems was to spend thousands of dollars to attend weekend boot camps or evening seminars in stuffy old banquet halls.
And then at the end of the class the instructors often disappear into the abyss. Either flying back to their home towns or handing out office phone numbers that are never answered, with messages rarely returned.
How do we know? Because weve been there.
Weve spent the money (literally, tens and tens of thousands of dollars) on every real estate investing course you could imagine. Local weekend courses, evening classes. free classes, expensive classes. Teleseminar classes, live classes. recorded classes, commercial classes. residential classes, classes in Canada and classes in the U.S.
Weve seen it all. And then some.
Heres the big difference why the investors we work with dont feel sold to. They feel we treat them with respect and more importantly we share our timeless principles of investing. Not a bag of tricks designed to distract you from obtaining results.
We know some of the big boy real estate clubs watch what were up to, we know they chuckle and say Oh, isnt that nicethose two brothers are actually trying to teach real strategies that work — and isnt it sweet that they are having fun doing it. Too bad they dont know the real money is in SELLING weekend boot camps.
Folks please listen up: Successful investing doesnt require an endless bag of investing tricks and tactics, taught in stuffy banquet halls.
Its great to know about wholesaling properties, tax sales, tax liens, quick deeds, lease options, commercial properties, discount mortgages, joint ventures, student rentals, foreclosures, power of sales. But knowing about these things and profiting from them are two VERY different things.
Weve made offers on tax sale properties. We have made no money down offers. Weve fixed up houses, bought new houses and old houses (one of ours is apparently over 100 years old!).

And weve even visited U.S. properties that you can buy for $25,000 (even $2,000). Were not interested in them. You know why?
If you cant make money right in your own backyard then you cant make money anywhere. The grass is not always greener.
The real estate investing model from some expensive course or speaker workshop may work occasionally, but its lacking something critical.
Its lacking the detailed steps used to actually IMPLEMENT the strategies you learn about.
We see so many of you struggling with this.
Youre taking the all the aggressively pitched real estate courses but deep down you know some of what is taught just doesnt feel right. Or, youve had no training at all and have no clue how to get started investing in real estate. You know real estate presents a lucrative opportunity but youre not sure how to make it profitable.
Lets face it, there are countless stock brokers and investment bankers willing to sit down with you to trade stocks and bonds but where are all the professional people willing to teach you real estate investing?
What if we told you that investing in real estate could actually be completely PAINLESS for you? In fact, even downright enjoyable? (Imagine that!)
AND, lets not forget about extremely profitable. ($$$)
So Whats Our Story?
Well we both started out investing in real estate with really no guidance or support. One of our first flips made an embarrassing $4,000 in profit after months of back breaking, early morning and late night labour (mostly by Nick!).
It was painful, both physically and emotionally. And to make matters worse the sale of the home almost resulted in a lawsuit an entire exterior wall collapsed when the new owners were installing new kitchen cabinets.
Thankfully, it was clearly not our fault and no action was taken against us. But it definitely left a bad taste in our mouths. Another quick flip opportunity sat on the market for 10 months soaking up money for mortgage payments, taxes and utilities. When it was all said and done we made half the money we thought we would. And the emotional toll was unbearable.
This was all done while working full time jobs. Our friends and family barely saw us during these episodes.
Then we graduated to rental properties and made a ton of mistakes, but from these mistakes we learned. We honed our skills and we got very good at filling properties and picking properties that produced great cash flow. And we realized this was the true way to wealth creating an asset base where our money worked for us instead of us working for our money.
We analyzed everything, we figured out where to buy properties, what types of properties work best in different markets.
And then it all started to click
Our next couple of purchases were big winners. We collected over $10,000 on one of our next properties right after we took possession and were able to extract over $105,000 from another property and still make it produce positive cash flow every month.
We were becoming good investors, really good.And then walked away from the corporate world both quitting our jobs — and started working with new and experienced investors on a full time basis.
We even got our real estate licenses so that we could get full access to all the information we needed without having to deal with realtors who didnt understand investors. This way we could help others and make a business out of doing it. It has been a true dream come true for us.