Model Portfolios
Post on: 29 Март, 2015 No Comment

Choose a model that fits your goals
The model portfolios below are available to you for your ShareBuilder 401k Account. The selected ETF index funds and allocation percentage in each model portfolio takes into account the time horizon of an investment and the risk tolerance level that an investor can accept. To access individual fund quote and performance details, as well as a prospectus, click on the symbol.
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A Note on Model Portfolio Performance and Considerations

Although Capital One Advisors, LLC, carefully evaluates the make-up of the Model Portfolios on a regular basis, ShareBuilder 401k makes no representation regarding the likelihood or probability that any or all of the portfolios will in fact achieve a particular investment goal or fulfill the risk tolerance profile as described for each portfolio. ShareBuilder 401k is unable to predict or forecast market fluctuations or other uncertainties that may affect the value of any investment. As a self-directed investor, you must carefully consider the merit of a 401(k) plan and the appropriateness of the available investments under your employer’s plan in light of your own personal financial circumstances, including your other assets, income and investments (e.g. equity in a home, IRA investments, savings accounts and interests in other qualified and non-qualified plans), cash flow needs, tax circumstances, or other complex or subjective concerns. You are urged to use all available resources to educate yourself about investing in general, these investment products in particular, and the composition of the Model Portfolios. As an alternative to the Model Portfolios, you can combine individual exchange trade funds offered in the ShareBuilder 401k to create a customized portfolio with a risk and return profile similar to that any of the Model Portfolios, although you should consider obtaining the assistance of a qualified investment advisor in doing so. Monitoring and adjusting your ShareBuilder 401k investing plan to suit changing circumstances is your responsibility, and it is recommended that you reassess any investing program on a regular basis to ensure that it remains consistent with your current financial resources and investment objectives.
You should carefully consider information contained in the fund’s prospectus, including investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses. For a prospectus containing this and other important information, please visit the fund’s detailed quote page or contact us. Please read the prospectus carefully before investing.
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