Journal of Risk and Diversification
Post on: 16 Март, 2015 No Comment

Available both in print and electronic formats, Journal of Risk and Diversification provides a rigorous forum for the publication of theory and empirical work, by both academic and industry experts, related to the financing of risk in its various forms. With a focus on issues of market convergence, the journal is particularly committed to research addressing the creation of innovative products straddling the boundaries of financial engineering, traditional insurance/reinsurance, and alternative risk transfer, and the development of risk-financing mechanisms in emerging economies throughout the world. With the rapid evolution and increasing complexity of products and techniques in the field of global risk finance, the journal brings together current material of relevance to both the supply and demand sides of the market. Journal of Risk and Diversification aims to become the premier scholarly journal in the field of applied financial risk management and insurance, and is currently among the few journals which focus on issues of risk finance in developing economies.
Journal of Risk and Diversification features an expansive range of detailed papers providing all the latest empirical research and analysis in the field of financial risk management; the latest innovations on theoretical and empirical studies in financial risk management covering the management of market and credit risk, capital allocation and volatility estimation; analytical aspects of option pricing and hedging including empirical models of interest rates and asset prices; and regulatory and accounting reporting of financial risks.
Journal of Risk and Diversification provides the practical tools to direct and manage institutional portfolios, implement cost-effective strategies and maximize risk-adjusted returns, identify new market opportunities and avoid pitfalls, assess risk/return tradeoffs and optimize allocation in traditional and alternative investments, track performance, improve returns, and manage risk, explore opportunities across a wide range of products, and put modern portfolio theory into practice.
Submissions to Journal of Risk and Diversification, which should display thoughtful, accurate research and be rigorous in all regards, are most welcome on the following topics, especially as they relate to developing markets: risk securitization; derivatives and structured financial products; commercial insurance and reinsurance; alternative risk-transfer mechanisms; capital structure and credit-arbitrage methods; and other issues relating to the effective management of financial, operational, and business risk.
Revue de Risque et Diversification, acadmique, scientifique et comit de lecture, fonctionne grce l’engagement de deux diteurs, responsables de la publication, et d’un comit ditorial compos d’enseignants-chercheurs et de chercheurs rputs pour leur expertise. Les opinions et thories exprimes dans les articles publis sont, bien sr, celles des auteurs et ne refltent pas ncessairement les avis et positions de la revue.
Le domaine scientifique de la revue comprend tous les aspects de la finance: la gestion comme la modlisation ou l’conomtrie financires, la finance des marchs nationaux et internationaux, la finance d’entreprise et des institutions financires. Les articles recherchs ont un fort caractre scientifique. une modlisation du phnomne tudi ou une analyse thorique de la dcision est donc propose et le modle est ventuellement soumis aux tests empiriques les plus aptes l’invalider. Dans le cas d’un article purement thorique, le modle doit tre pertinent, rigoureux et original. Dans le cas d’un article plus empirique, les mthodes statistiques et/ou conomtriques doivent tre mises en uvre avec rigueur et pertinence. Revue de Risque et Diversification accepte aussi des revues de la littrature condition que le sujet soit trait en profondeur, que l’expos soit empreint d’une grande clart et qu’il constitue une synthse d’analyses diffrentes dont l’utilit est incontestable pour un lecteur exigeant.