Investing Can You Apply Your Values to Create Value
Post on: 16 Март, 2015 No Comment

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I’ve been privileged to have the unique experience in my professional life of spanning different sectors – much of my career was spent in the private sector, but I’ve also had roles in the public sector, and served in the philanthropy sector as chief executive of the Case Foundation since creating the organization with my husband, Steve, in 1997.
Having had the benefit of a perspective from different sectors, a couple things have become clear: First, too many of the same problems – poverty, disease, the environment, education reform, you name it – that have dogged our communities both here in the US and across the globe haven’t seen much progress, despite a lot of money and talent directed towards solutions. It’s clear we desperately need new ways to solve old problems.
And, second, business has been largely left on the sidelines when it comes to addressing the most daunting challenges of our day. They already have a very noble role as they create jobs and build the economic engine that strengthens communities and nations, but innovation and the entrepreneurial spirit has not been fully unleashed to help us find exciting new pathways for tackling the big social challenges of our day.
Imagine if we unleashed the world’s brightest entrepreneurs and the power of the corporate sector to tackle issues like affordable housing, job training, and access to education and healthcare. And what if, in the same way people apply their values to their charitable giving, they used a similar screen to consider some new investments? Just imagine the possibilities if more private investment money, working alongside philanthropy, could be directed at social challenges.
I’ve used this column previously to extoll the virtues of this idea – impact investing – an idea that has been around for a while. There are impact investing programs that date back decades, but interest in its potential is now approaching a tipping point.
Over the last decade, we’ve seen a groundswell of entrepreneurs that recognize the powerful opportunity for business to tackle big challenges – from Warby Parker to TOMS and Revolution Foods. A number of new models are emerging that mix profit and purpose. And we’re seeing the corporate sector – companies like IBM IBM with their Smarter Cities efforts, and GE with the NFL Head Health Challenge – recognizing the value of leveraging their core products and services to benefit society.
We are also seeing financial institutions like Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Credit Suisse and Morgan Stanley Morgan Stanley get into the game through the creation of impact investing funds. For example, Goldman Sachs’ Urban Investment Group recently launched the GS Social Impact Fund —a first-of-its kind vehicle that enables clients to direct capital toward a range of social challenges in the United States with the expectation of an attractive financial return.
Private foundations are also increasingly turning toward impact investing. The Gates Foundation, Omidyar Network, Rockefeller Foundation, and MacArthur Foundation have committed more than a billion dollars to impact investments and to supporting the ecosystem. Forward-looking philanthropies like the F.B. Heron Foundation are planning to align all of their financial assets toward investments that are aligned with their core missions.
A role for policy?
We’re excited by this momentum, but we must also acknowledge that policy – at all levels of government – will play a critical role in helping or hindering the growth of impact investing, which by some estimates could grow to represent significant new capital in venture capital and private equity. For example, the Community Reinvestment Act, passed in 1977, has driven billions of dollars to low-income communities, primarily in support of affordable housing.
The government can also play a significant role mobilize private capital into impact markets. For example, in 2011, the SBA launched a $1 billion initiative to match funds investing in economically distressed communities. That effort served to catalyze private capital in a significant way – for example, in the state of Michigan, the initiative enabled the development of a $130M fund. including more than $50M from the private sector.
However, outdated policies that were designed to protect downside have created unintended consequences for impact investing. For example, the Department of Labor issued a new ERISA guidance in 2008 that essentially banned fiduciaries from considering any non-economic factors in selecting investments, cutting off trillions of dollars that could be put to use supporting investments that provide both financial and social returns. Other investors that aren’t directly regulated by ERISA face similar constraints.
In recognition of the powerful potential of impact investing to make a significant contribution to societies, last year’s G8 gathering created a Social Impact Investment Task Force and asked each country to create a National Advisory Board. The U.S. board. which I’ve had the privilege to be a part of, has been exploring the wide range of policy proposals that could make it easier for investors to fund businesses and initiatives that provide both financial and social returns. This June, the U.S. National Advisory Board will release a report outlining these and other recommendations.
The report release is part of what we know will be a long process to continue to build the scaffolding of the impact investing sector. Impact-friendly policy will enable us to bring more financial resources to meet ongoing social needs, and leverage the extraordinary skills, inventiveness, determination and discipline that the private market has in such abundance.
To innovate, to find new ways to solve old problems, we must invite business in. We need their entrepreneurial spirit, and we need their expertise on matters of scale and efficiencies. At a time when our country faces such urgent needs, we can’t afford to leave capital and talent sitting on the sidelines.