Post on: 12 Июнь, 2015 No Comment

Gems have been the object of man’s fascination ever since their discovery. Today modern scientific Gemology is giving an insight into the character and the behaviour of gems.The study of Gemology is relevant to the trader, the dealer, the artisian or anyone fascinated by gemstones, especially the lady in the house for it is she who appreciates the gems for their beauty and ornamental value.
From trade point of view Gems & Jewellery has been one of the biggest foreign exchange earner for India and substantial potential needs to be tapped at home. It is therefore, highly necessary that people associated with the trade, receive training and carry out the operations scientifacally and proffessionally so as to achieve greater success. In today’s world of midern synthetic gems is is no longer safe to rely upon One’s senses for identification but to learn scientific methods for a positive identification of a wide variety of gems.
1. To train people who are already associated with the field of Gems & Jewellery in the latest aspects of Gemology so that they carry on their operations scientifically and professionally and generate confidence in themselves and trust in their consumers.
2. To act as the first stepping stone for people who want to enter the field of Gems and jewellery as traders, managers, marketing personnel, purchase -personnel of Gems & Jewellery establishments which are being modernised the world over.
3. To impart useful knowledge which would help the individual to enter into a field which is highly export oriented & thereby earn valuable foreign exchange for the country.
1. Gems & Gem Identification(Course No.1)
This a 3 months regular practical training course dealing with a wide variety of gems commonly encountered in the Course market place. Starting from Gem introduction the Course goes right up to the teaching the most complicated character of gems & the modern techniques used for their identification. The subject matter consists of the scientific concepts forming the basis of gem identification, the principle & the use of gemological instruments, the nature & working of gems & jewellery industry, the market structure & sight identification techniques. The class is held 1 hours daily five days a week. The timings are as per the schedule of Timings supplied herewith.
This is a 2 months course dealing with diamonds right from their introduction and goes through to teach physical and optical properties and the factors affecting diamond value as per international standards. Emphasis is also laid on the techniques for identification of the diamond from the diamond substitutes existing in the market. The class is held 1 hours daily five days a week. The timings are as per schedule of Timings supplied herewith. However, the duration and timings of the above courses may vary with prior notice to the students.
Although Course no. 1 is not a pre-requisite for Course no. 2, candidates who plan to take up both the courses should take up Course no. 1 first.
The training for the IIG Course/s is carried out by highly qualified instructors. The Gemologist — Instructor trains the students in theoretical and practical aspects of Gemology. His lectures and practical training forms the basis of the course/s. The labortary is equipped with the necessary equipments/gadgets required for practical demonstrations. The size of the class is limited so that each student recieves personal attention. However, it is necessary for the students to attend classes regularly and work ahrd to succeed.
The fees for the course are as per the schedule of tentative start/timing & fees being supplied herewith. The fees for the above courses are payable in advance by cash/ Bank Draft/ Money Order in favour of INDIAN INSTITUTE OF GEMOLOGY, NEW DELHI.

Cancellation :- Should you be unable to attend after being selected then the fees shall be refunded minus a 20% processing charge any time before start of the course on working days during office hours. No refund shall be made after the start of the course or thereafter.
Candidates must have qualified 10+2 or equivalent/ Higher Secondary/ Senior Secondary or equivalent examination from a Recognized Educational Institution. Enrollment to the courses is limited and based on Interview/ Admission criteria as finalised by the Instructor Gemologist / Committee from time to time. However, IIG reserves the right of selection.
The medium of instruction & Examinations of the IIG Certificate Course is English.
After the successful completion of various tests/ quizes, the students must pass a practical examination in Gem identification & a written examination in theory for Course no. 1.
For Course no. 2 a written examination in theory & a practical examination in Diamond grading must be passed.
The passing grade for practical examinations is 80% & written examinations is 75%.
On successful completion of the course/s the student is awarded IIG CERTIFICATES IN GEMOLOGY.