Financial forecast (Business) Definition Online Encyclopedia
Post on: 12 Май, 2015 No Comment

The basic steps in financial forecast ing are: (1) project the firm’s sales; (2) project variables such as expense s and assets; (3) estimate the level of investment in current and fixed assets that is required to support the projected sales; and (4) calculate the firm’s financing needs.
financial forecast s are prospective financial statements that present expected future financial position. results of operations, and cash flows based on expected conditions. A financial forecast is of the most likely future scenario.
A financial forecast projects where the company wants to be in three, five, or ten years. It quantifies future sales, expense s, and earnings according to certain assumptions adopted by the company.
Financial forecast
A financial forecast is a forecast that presents, to the best of the preparers knowledge and belief, an entitys expected financial position. results of operations, and changes in financial position ;.
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It explains what the business does (or will do if it’s a new business); it suggests who will buy the product or service and why; it provides financial forecast s demonstrating overall viability; and indicates the finance available and explains the financial requirements.
Some of the practical difficulties involved with financial forecast s stem from the many vicissitudes possible in the calculation of earnings, the numerator in the ROE term.
A financial forecast is based on the responsible party’s assumptions reflecting conditions it expects to exist and the course of action it expects to take.
The median is often used to pick the consensus from financial forecast s. This is because an arithmetic mean would be distorted by outliers, and there are not enough distinct different forecasts for the mode to be meaningful.
Generally the aim of foreign exchange risk management is to stabilize the cash flows and reduce uncertainty from financial forecast s. Fortunately there are hedging instruments that achieve exactly that.

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Fundamental analysis is performed on historical and present data, but with the goal of making financial forecast s. There are several possible objectives.
7. Have a Plan! Know the 5 W’s — Who, What, When Where, and Why of every marketing initiative you take. Add to that a financial forecast for your marketing efforts and you are golden.
Apportioning funds among the various categories of assets in order to maintain a relatively stable allocation. Strategic allocation is based on long-term economic and financial forecast s and seeks to maximize return while minimizing risk.
Style-bottom-up approach (shares).