Dumb Idea Dividends Are Good For You
Post on: 4 Май, 2015 No Comment

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Why do people love dividends? Because they don’t understand either corporate finance or taxes.
Corporations disburse profits to their owners two ways: by paying dividends and by buying in their own shares. Except for the little matter of income taxes, which we will get to in a minute, the two kinds of payout are identical in their effects. And yet lots of otherwise intelligent investors are utterly persuaded that they are better off with dividends than with share buybacks.
How else do we explain the $38 billion that has rushed into the three largest dividend ETFs (tickers VIG, DVY and SDY)? Why else would people buy a clunky defense stock like Lockheed Martin (yield, 5%)?
Why else would Apple investors go atwitter over the prospect of a dividend increase? If Steve Jobs were alive he’d do a buyback instead.
Here’s the simple math. If you own 100 shares of a $400 stock, it doesn’t matter whether you collect a $20 dividend or sell 5 of your shares back to the company. Either way you are left with $38,000 of stock and $2,000 of cash.
So why do investors clamor for dividends? Why do market commentators write lectures decrying share buybacks? Because sometimes the stock price goes down after the buyback, and then they get all confused.
Suppose, after buying in 5% of its shares at $40, Hewlett-Packard sees its shares collapse to $16. It sure looks as if H-P has wasted $24 on every share it bought. But, paradoxical as this seems, there is no waste from the buyback. If the company had paid a $2 dividend instead, then the shares would have fallen even more–to $15.20. What you’re looking at is not waste but simply a computer business that isn’t doing well.
Now, about those taxes. People investing through tax-deferred retirement accounts should be indifferent to whether they collect a 5% cash dividend or sell back 5% of shares. People investing through taxable accounts, though, should care a lot. They’re much better off with buybacks.
If you collect $2,000 in a dividend, the whole $2,000 is taxable. If you collect $2,000 by selling shares, you pay tax only to the extent the stock has had a run-up since you bought it. If you got into Apple at $410 and sell back 5 shares when it’s at $400, your $2,000 payout is scot-free.
Moreover, investors with any wit usually don’t pay capital gains tax even when the share price has risen. That’s because capital gains, unlike dividends, can be offset in unlimited amounts by capital losses. Harvest enough capital losses from your stock portfolio and you will have a protective cushion making your participation in buybacks painless at tax time.
The arithmetic and taxation of buybacks are described here .