Disclaimer and Risk Warnings Rockwealth LLP
Post on: 5 Апрель, 2015 No Comment

/ Disclaimer and Risk Warnings
Disclaimer & Risk Warnings
The information on this website has been obtained from sources which we believe to be reliable and accurate, but without further investigation this cannot be warranted. We are not responsible for the content of external websites that are linked from our web pages. Any opinions and comment expressed in this website are not necessarily the views held throughout RockWealth LLP. No Partner, representative or employee of RockWealth LLP accepts liability for any direct or consequential loss arising from the use of this document or its contents. All opinions and comment are subject to change without notice.
This website should not be regarded as an offer or solicitation to conduct investment business, as defined by the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000, in any jurisdiction other than the United Kingdom. Investors who are resident in or citizens of countries other than the United Kingdom may be subject to local restrictions. In particular, no offer or invitation is made to any US persons (being residents of the United States of America or partnerships or corporations organised under the laws of the United States of America or any state, territory or possession thereof), who are excluded from the products or services offered in this site. No Partner, representative or employee of RockWealth LLP accepts any liability for any direct or consequential loss arising from the use of this website or its contents.
Please note that the value of investments and the income derived from them may fall and you may get back less than you invested. Past performance is not a guide to future performance. No investment is suitable in all cases and if you have any doubts as to an investments suitability then you should contact us. Any tax allowances or thresholds mentioned are based on personal circumstances and current legislation which is subject to change.
We may process personal data relating to you in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 as amended and any other regulations relating to data protection, as to what we may do with such data.
Its important to remember Cash ISAs and Stocks & Shares ISAs are different.
Stocks & Shares ISAs offer the potential for a significantly higher return for investors who are happy to forego the capital security of cash. You have immediate access to your cash in most Cash ISAs and it is guaranteed (up to £85,000). The value of investments and the income paid will fall as well as rise in a Stocks & Shares ISA so you could get back less than you invest. Interest on cash in a Cash ISA is paid gross. Within a Stocks & Shares ISA the income is only paid gross on corporate and government bonds, on everything else, including cash, the income is paid net of basic rate tax but doesnt incur higher tax rates.
Please note, you can transfer money from a Cash ISA to a Stocks & Shares ISA but not the other way around.
If youre aware of all the risks and wish to transfer a Cash ISA to a Stocks & Shares ISA simply complete our Stocks & Shares ISA transfer form and leave the rest of the transfer legwork to us.
When you transfer as cash remember you will be out of the market while the transfer takes place. This may work in your favour if the market falls but if it rises you will not benefit from any growth while you hold cash. A few groups levy exit fees, please contact us for more details.
• The information on this website is not advice, it is provided solely to enable you to make your own investment decisions. The investments and/or investment services referred to may not be suitable for all investors. If you are unsure of the suitability of any investment, you should contact us for advice.
• Unlike cash, stock market based investments are not guaranteed and fall in value as well as rise, we therefore believe you should only invest for the long term (5+ years). You could get back less than you invest. Any yields will vary over time so income is variable and not guaranteed.
• Cancellation rights may not be available. The investments featured do not provide capital guarantees like a deposit account and are not readily accessible.
• Past performance should not be seen as an indication of future performance. Exchange rate fluctuations may have an adverse effect on the value of non-UK shares.
• Tax rules referred to are those that currently apply, they can change over time and any benefit to you will depend on your circumstances. Within an ISA all gains will be free of capital gains tax and a tax credit will be reclaimed on interest from fixed interest investments.
• In addition to any initial charges there may be a bid/offer spread or dilution levy.
• The FCA does not regulate any prize draw.
• Non-investment grade bonds are contained in some funds which carry a risk that the capital value of the fund will be affected because they have an increased risk of default on repayment by the issuing companies compared to investment grade bonds.

• Some investments (e.g. some AIM stocks) are less readily realisable than others and it may therefore be difficult to deal in or obtain reliable information about their value.
• Before you decide to transfer an ISA or unit trust please ensure you understand how the transfer will be made. Most groups will allow you to transfer as stock but RockWealth will only request cash transfers. When you transfer as cash remember you will be out of the market while the transfer takes place. This may work in your favour if the market falls but if it rises you will not benefit from any growth while you hold cash. A few groups levy exit fees, please contact us for more details.
Money Laundering
We are required to verify your identity in accordance with UK money laundering legislation. For this reason we may use your personal data, as that phrase is defined in the EU Data Protection Directive (“personal information”), in order to carry out electronic searches on private and public databases. We will keep records of any information obtained. We may use credit reference agencies which will record that an enquiry has been made. By entering into this Agreement you confirm your acceptance of our use of credit reference agencies which will result in such a record. If we are unable to verify your identity via our electronic searches we will request sight of original or suitably certified documents to establish your identity.
RockWealth will continue to send you further information by post and/or email about your investments and our products and services. If you would prefer not to receive this, please let us know. Your personal data will remain confidential, and will never be passed to any other company, unless required by law.
Discretionary Management Services
We will manage your Portfolio on a fully discretionary basis. This means that we will make investment decisions in relation to the cash/assets in each of your Funds within your Portfolio on your behalf in accordance with information in your Account. We will take all reasonable steps to manage each of the Funds in your Portfolio with due care and skill.
We will manage your Portfolio in accordance with the information in your Account. Provided that we do so, you grant us full authority, at our sole discretion, to enter into any kind of arrangement or transaction on your behalf including investing in any type of investments or other assets. For the avoidance of doubt, there will be no limit on the amount of your Portfolio that we may invest in any one investment, or on the proportion of your Portfolio that any one investment may make up, and there will be no limit or restriction on any particular type of investment, or currency, or on the markets on which transactions are carried out.