Blue Chip Report Stock Research

Post on: 11 Апрель, 2015 No Comment

Blue Chip Report Stock Research

ISI Group

You heard right. Large-cap blue chip stocks!

But why blue chips? Why now?

For one thing, profits at America’s top companies the blue chips are soaring to record levels. And cash is overflowing their coffers.

Yet, the stocks have gone nowhere fast for five years running!

As a result, large-cap stocks are downright cheap especially when compared with their mid- and small-cap peers.

Which explains why even legendary value hound Warren Buffett is gobbling up blue chips right now!

And rock-bottom prices are just one reason the real smart money agrees blue chips are set to rally and soon.

Here are three more urgent signs that the perfect storm may be brewing for blue chip investors NOW

Will these Blue Chips Sink You?

This former Nifty 50 darling trades where it did 40 years ago. Gross profits dipped 8% (again!) last year, while every quarter posted a loss. This blue chip could sink you fast!

A remarkable brand? True. But at TWICE its fair value at least. With competition from the big boys heating up, this blue chip could be in for a long ridedownward.

Revenues plummeted from $27.9 billion in 2000 to $10.5 billion last year. Yet, a so-called impressive top line keeps attracting investors but not PROFITS. Dont go down with this ship!

Sadly, theres a decent chance you own at least one of these potential landmines. or one of four other blue chips that could sink you.

You owe it to yourself to find out. Get the whole grisly story today in 7 Blue Chips That Could Sink You!

This valuable companion report is yours free when you claim, Motley Fool Blue Chip Report: 10 Monster Stocks to Anchor Your Portfolio today!

STRONG in a weak economy Fifteen straight increases in short-term interest rates by the Federal Reserve will eventually cool the economy, says Tom McManus, strategist at Bank of America.

When it does, investors looking for safety will be attracted by the lower valuations, higher dividends and more stable earnings of bigger companies.

SAFETY in a choppy market Large-cap stocks are historically less volatile especially in dicey markets. Remember the 1970s?

The S&P 500’s loss of 14.7% and 26.5% in 1973 and 1974 was tame next to the 35.1% and 28.2% declines of small caps, according to the Center for Research in Security Prices.

DIVIDENDS dividends dividends New tax laws make dividends more desirable than ever. Plus, American companies (especially the blue chips) are sitting on billions in excess cash, some of which will have to be paid out to shareholders.

Of course, should markets continue to roil, dividends will be even more in demand so will the blue chip stocks that pay them!

Put it together and this once-in-a-generation disconnect could be YOUR last chance to stuff your portfolio with investments that offer

  • Story stock profit-potential and
  • Fort Knox safety!

The trick is to know which blue chips are poised for massive gains and which are destined for the trash heap of history.

Because make no mistake about it Not all blue chips are created equal. (Remember Enron and Worldcom?)

Faker blue chips like those can sink you! And there are dozens more just like them.

In fact, a team of the nation’s top stock analysts unexpectedly discovered 7 so-called blue chip companies that may be threatening to shatter your dreams of financial independence right now.

Now, you can get the names of all 7 of these potential landmines FREE (details just ahead)!

Of course, dumping these potential time bombs is only half the battle. You’ll also need to replace them with the very best, safest, REAL blue chip stocks.

There will never be a better time or an easier way!

Get No. 1 blue chip picks from Motley Fool

co-founders David & Tom Gardner!

Ordinarily, you’d have to join one of The Motley Fool’s premium newsletter services to get TOP stock recommendations from co-founders David and Tom Gardner.

Now, you can get the TOP Blue Chip recommendations from David and Tom in one easy-to-read volume and it won’t cost you anything near the price of an annual membership.

This really is the perfect storm for you.

After all, blue chips are sitting at their best prices in years just waiting to be plucked AND The Motley Fool has just published its annual Blue Chip Stock Report.

It’s called, 10 Monster Stocks to Anchor Your Portfolio . and David and Tom’s top picks are two of the wealth-boosting, portfolio-saving investments you’ll discover in its 51 pages of detailed research!

Announcing! The Motley Fool’s Blue Chip Report:

10 Monster Stocks to Anchor Your Portfolio .

Heres how you can get 10 Monster Stocks FREE?

Get 10 Monster Stocks FREE when you join Stock Advisor today!

Here’s a deal that’s simply too good to pass up. Youve heard a lot about David & Tom Gardner today how their astonishing knack for identifying blockbuster investments made them among the most widely followed investors in America.

Now, you can find out what the fuss is about and start profiting alongside their loyal subscribers. and you can get The Motley Fools Blue Chip Report: 10 Monster Stocks to Anchor Your Portfolio essentially FREE!

That’s right, when you subscribe to David and Toms Motley Fool Stock Advisor newsletter service, you’ll get immediate access to the electronic edition, 10 Monster Stocks absolutely FREE!

Plus, well include your companion report, 7 Blue Chips That Could Sink You! also FREE!

What a remarkable way that is to get your hands on a time-sensitive document of this quality.

And just look at what’s yours when youre a member of Stock Advisor :

  • 24 Top Stock Picks per year: Each month, the Motley Fool co-founders comb through scores of U.S. companies to recommend only the two very best A+ opportunities to you.
  • Stock Updates: At least once a month, David and Tom send you the latest news or inside scoops on their recommendations.
  • Stock Scorecard: As a subscriber, you also get full access to a password-protected website, which includes David and Tom’s Stock Scorecard.
  • Password-protected website: Enjoy full access to David and Tom’s interactive community or digital meetinghouse reserved for Stock Advisor members.

In fact, when you respond today, you get an even better deal. Join David and Tom today, and youll receive their special new-member rate. Thats a full $40 off the regular one-year subscription price.

Combine that with 10 Monster Stocks. and you get $99 in savings and bonus gifts.

You can see why this is our very best deal: You want 10 Monster Stocks anyway. When you take advantage of this offer, you get an entire year’s worth of Motley Fool Stock Advisor for less than the cost of a can of generic soda a day!

You may have heard that Tom Gardner is clobbering the S&P 500 with his Hidden Gems small-cap value recommendations to the tune of an average 25-plus percentage points per pick!

So, how does Tom consistently pick winners that trounce the market? His secret is roughly 20% talent and 80% old-fashioned hard work.

For one thing, he screens hundreds of companies per month.

Of course, Tom occasionally snags a large-cap BLUE CHIP that fits his strict valuation criteria, but that’s simply too big to recommend to his Hidden Gems members.

Now, imagine if you could get your hands on the ONE blue chip Tom insists can make you the most money.

Well you can! It’s a leading national retailer where

  • Co-founders control a $200 million stake
  • Share dilution (your share!) is next to NIL
  • The board of directors is shareholder-friendly

Meanwhile, the company recently booked its 14th consecutive year of record earnings in 2005, en route to generating $525 million in cash flow.

So, you’d imagine the stock must be on a tear, right? Amazingly, not yet. In fact, it has traded flat over a three-year period and is actually down over the past 18 months.

I think you can see why Tom insists this stock can earn you 20%-25% annual returns over the next five years. But only if you get in before investors wake up to this great bargain!

Of course, that’s just a brief overview. You can get the full details when you claim your personal copy of, The Motley Fool’s Blue Chip Report: 10 Monster Stocks to Anchor Your Portfolio .

Plus, new this year, you ALSO get the top pick from Motley Fool co-founder David Gardner!

David Gardner is also crushing the market most famously with the portfolio of ultimate growth picks he’s serving up for members of his Rule Breakers TM service.

And also like Tom, David has settled on ONE top blue chip he’s convinced can make you a ton of money for years to come. But what makes this company so special David chose it above all others?

Well, unlike David’s usual Rule Breakers, which depend heavily on technology and R&D spending, this American icon thrives on the risk-taking and capital expenditures of others maverick risk-takers like Amazon and eBay.

Now, it’s your turn to reap the benefits of this unique relationship

  • A bulletproof brand
  • Insurmountable barriers to entry
  • Skyrocketing returns on invested capital

This company’s name is even a verb! Meanwhile, an exploding footprint in China and India makes this franchise more relevant than ever and puts it at the very heart of our just in time global economy.

No wonder the stock has tripled in the last five years. Yet, you hardly ever hear it mentioned on CNBC or in The Journal.

That’s another reason why David sees plenty of room to run for you.

Blue Chip Report Stock Research

So, if you’re looking for a stock sharing equally the adjectives safe, domestic, growth, and global, look at David Gardner’s top pick on page 17 of 10 Monster Stocks !

Yes, The Motley Fool’s top analysts pick stocks for you

As soon as it flashes on your screen, you’ll agree your opportunity to be among the first to get David and Tom’s TOP blue chip recommendations is worth more than the modest cost of the report.

But that’s not even close to everything you get with 10 Monster Stocks . You also receive top blue chip recommendations from 11 other top Motley Fool writers and analysts

Philip Durell relies on his years of international business experience to uncover ultra-safe value investments for Motley Fool Inside Value whose total portfolio scorecard has never trailed the S&P 500 since inception.

Get Philip’s top blue chip pick a cutting-edge financial services outsourcer on page 25 of 10 Monster Stocks

Shannon Zimmerman, Ph.D. . the former Morningstar analyst and founding editor and lead analyst of Motley Fool Champion Funds .

It might surprise you to hear that Shannon’s funds are not only outperforming the S&P 500, but most stock newsletters, too

Find Shannon’s top blue chip mutual fund pick on page 49 of 10 Monster Stocks.

Then there’s Mathew Emmert, whose Motley Fool Income Investor has outperformed the S&P 500 13.52% vs. 5.26%. and whose pick in last year’s Blue Chip Report soared 184%!

For Mathew’s latest pick the one stock Mathew would buy and hold forever look no further than page 45 of 10 Monster Stocks.

For a limited time, you can put every one of these PROVEN market-beaters to work for you.

Click here to claim your just-released 51-page Blue Chip Stock Report now!

Quick Action Bonus Special Companion Report:

The 7 Blue Chips That Could Sink You!

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The Economist

Yes, this is the valuable companion report you heard about earlier. It pulls back the curtain on seven of the most over-rated (and dangerous!) widely held stocks in the market.

There’s a very good chance you own one or more of these potential landmines especially if you rely for information on a broker, the financial press, or Wall Street research.

Maybe you’re convinced they really are blue chips. But you owe it to yourself to at least hear the entire story!

Combined with 10 Monster Stocks . this valuable companion report offers most everything you need to build a rock-solid portfolio that can survive everything today’s treacherous market throws at you.

And for a limited time, the entire report is yours FREE when you order The Motley Fool’s Blue Chip Report: 10 Monster Stocks to Anchor Your Portfolio today.

Click here now to have both 10 Monster Stocks and 7 Blue Chips That Could Sink You! rushed to your inbox!

People have called for large-caps to lead

and have been proved wrong. However,

history is on their side.


Unbelievable! You get all 10 no make that 13!

TOP picks for less than $60

As a valued member of The Motley Fool community, history really is on YOUR side.

And not just because all signs point to a perfect storm for the blue chips highlighted in the brand new report you’re about to receive.

But also because when you order 10 Monster Stocks today, you don’t get just 10 recommendations you get 12 top blue chip stock picks that includes two BONUS blue chip picks from two of The Motley Fool’s top analysts

Plus, Dr. Shannon Zimmerman’s No. 1 blue chip fund all for only $59.

And don’t forget The 7 Blue Chips That Could Sink You! your companion report that could realistically save you thousands in investment losses. It’s yours FREE!

As you can see, this special offer is the easiest way for you to BUILD a portfolio of blue chips DEFEND your portfolio against seven of the market’s deadliest menaces and PROFIT from The Motley Fool’s premium stock advice

Unless, of course, you could get it all FREE!

Yes, you read that right. If you order today, you can get both 10 Monster Stocks and The 7 Blue Chips That Could Sink You! FREE!

In return, you simply join David and Tom at Motley Fool Stock Advisor for 1 year at their special new-member rate.

This way, you get a whole year of David and Tom’s market-thumping stock advice on average as of 6/13/2006, their Stock Advisor recommendations are up 53.98% versus 13.65% if you’d bought the S&P 500 instead!

Plus, I’ll rush you instant access to both 10 Monster Stocks and The 7 Blue Chips That Could Sink You! FREE!

And just look at what’s yours when you’re a member of Stock Advisor:

  • 24 Top Stock Picks per year: Each month, the Motley Fool co-founders comb through scores of U.S. companies to recommend only the two very best A+ opportunities to you.
  • Stock Updates: At least once a month, David and Tom send you the latest news or inside scoops on their recommendations.
  • Stock Scorecard: As a subscriber, you also get full access to a password-protected website, which includes David and Tom’s Stock Scorecard.
  • Password-protected website: Enjoy full access to David and Tom’s interactive community or digital meetinghouse reserved for Stock Advisor members.

In fact, when you respond today, you get an even better deal. Join David and Tom today, and you’ll receive their special new-member rate. That’s a full $40 off the regular one-year subscription price.

When you break it down, you truly are getting an entire year of Motley Fool Stock Advisor for mere pennies a day! You can see why this offer can’t last.

So, don’t delay! Rock-bottom valuations for the market’s best blue chip stocks won’t last, either. Click on the big button below and access 10 Monster Stocks now!

Satisfaction Guaranteed!

As with all Motley Fool products, your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed. If for any reason, you are not satisfied, simply let us know within 30 days. And we’ll give you a full refund. No questions asked.

Make this the year you bulk up your portfolio with the Motley Fool Blue Chip Report: 10 Monster Stocks to Anchor Your Portfolio .

  • 10 best-bet blue chip stock selections
  • 2 explosive bonus opportunities
  • 1 bonus blue chip mutual fund selection
  • The Motley Fool’s top-rated analysts
  • More than 51 pages of in-depth research and analysis
  • PLUS! Bonus companion report 7 Blue Chips That Could Sink You!

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