What Is Included In My New Learn To Read SEC Filings DVD Package Timothy Sykes
Post on: 16 Март, 2015 No Comment

The title is kinda self-explanatory, right? Good, you can pre-order your copy RIGHT HERE (you have until this Friday to get the deal with a free followup webinar). If you want more details read on:
REMEMBER: You have until Friday November 6th to pre-order any/all of my 4 new instructional DVDs to get access to special FREE followup webinars on each topicthese instructional DVD packages will help you get smarter faster, saving you from thousands of dollars in ignorant trading losses
Yesterday I outlined my new Learn Level 2 DVD package. and today we explore that this other HUGELY useful DVD package isit should be called get ready to learn not to be penny stock suckers anymore! or you dont have to rely on Tims research if you know how to do it yourself!which sounds better? Hmmmm.
Perhaps you read Michael Goodes awesome post detailing what his 5 hour of commentary on this DVD are going to be (yup, you get 5 hours of him and 5 hours of me because itll be great to compare our two varying styles of SEC filing research)
TIM: Read SEC Filings (RSF) is a 10-hour multi-disc DVD package with a nice fat 150+ page instructional manual that teaches you how to read and analyze all sorts of SEC filings. One of my best students, Michael Goode (he’s up $93,000+ using my strategy, see his Vegas video interview HERE) chimes in for several hours with his own investigating so viewers can compare our two differing research methods. These filings have always been long, technical and boring, but we will simplify the process and make it understandable to even the biggest beginners out there.
Not only great for discovering penny stock scams, learning to read SEC filings will help you better understand how to analyze companies of all sizes and their market valuations. This DVD package is a must for anyone involved in the finance industry, not just traders but investors too, and it will be ready to ship in 5-7 weeks.
Normal Price: $497
Special Pre-Order Price: $397 BUY NOW!
Since that post Michael Goode is up another few grand to $95,000+ using my strategy and were gonna teach you guys how to dig through SEC filings so you too can profit from thistrust me, its easy, you just need to know what websites, words and information are most important.
Did I mention you can also add this Read SEC Filings DVD package (RSF) to one of my new combo deals (other new DVDs are the TIMfundamentals Part Deux DVD package, which is the 12 hour video recording and 160+ page instruction manual from my recent Vegas seminar (see what attendees thought of it ), the 6+ hour Learn Level 2 (LL2) and 10+ hour Best Of LiveStock (BOL) DVD packagesall of which are detailed in THIS blog post)add those DVDs to you order by this Friday November 6th to make sure you save money and gain special access to FREE followup webinars for each subject (each DVD will have a followup webinar in early 2010 so you can watch now and write down any questions for me for later!):
Special pre-order combo LL2 + RSF + BOL + TF2 = $1497, save $800! BUY NOW!
Special pre-order combo LL2 + RSF + BOL = $997, save $500. BUY NOW!
Special pre-order combo LL2 + RSF = $697, save $300! BUY NOW!
OK, sales talk over, heres what youre gonna get in over 10+ hours of content and a 150+ page instruction manual:
-5 hours of Michael Goode explaining his research process, I literally have no idea what hell cover

-5 hours of my digging through SEC filings & explaining every step
-The best websites to use for SEC filing research
-The specific forms you MUST read through and the ones you can ignore
-5 time saving tips as SEC filing research can take forever if you dont know what to look for.
-10 red flags that can prove a stock is a pump & dump (Vegas seminar people watched me do this for over an hour (you can see their reactions and that 15+ conference will be the TIMfundamentals Part Deux DVD )
-An abbreviated SEC filing research process for when youre in a rush or want to have a life
-What all the technical jargon means and which of it is important vs. which is not
-How to identify scams that are likely to get halted by the SEC (remember, I nailed 3 of them in 3 weeks back in September)