UIT Frequently Asked Questions Guggenheim Funds Distributors LLC
Post on: 23 Май, 2015 No Comment
UITs are a fixed portfolio of stocks, bonds or other securities. These types of portfolios allow investors to know what securities are held within a UIT as of the date of deposit, as well as the mandatory termination date of the trust. A trust may terminate early as described in the prospectus. Like mutual funds, UITs offer an attractive opportunity for investors to own a portfolio of securities via a relatively low minimum, liquid investment. Actively managed funds continually buy and sell securities, thereby changing their investment mix. The securities held in a UIT generally remain fixed.
How are UITs created?
Each Guggenheim Investments UIT is created based on a stated investment objective. The trust sponsor selects the securities for, and also determines the mandatory life of the trust.
UITs may provide a convenient approach to investing. Some features of UITs include:
- a mandatory termination date 1
- diversification
- daily liquidity 2
- fully invested 3
- known portfolio 4
- no manager driven style drift
1 UITs may terminate early as described in the prospectus.
Distributions paid from dividends, if any, are paid either monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annually, depending on the provisions set forth in each trust’s prospectus.
There is a minimum investment of 1 unit for all Guggenheim Investments UITs.
How do I sell my units?
Investors may sell their units on any business day by contacting their financial professional or, in some cases, the trustee. Unit prices are available daily on the UIT home page or through your financial professional. We often refer to the sale price of units as the liquidation price. Investors pay any remaining deferred sales fee when they sell or redeem their units. Certain broker-dealers may charge a transaction fee for processing unit redemptions or sale requests. The liquidation price may be more or less than the original amount paid.
At a reduced sales charge, investors may roll over into a new series of the same trust, if available, or any other Guggenheim Investments UIT available in the primary market. *
There are characteristically two components of the UIT sales charge: the transactional sales fee and the creation and development (C&D) fee. The transactional sales fee typically has both an initial and a deferred component and is a percentage of the Public Offering Price. * The C&D fee is paid to the sponsor of the trust for creating and developing the trust, which includes determining the trust objective, policies, composition and size, selecting service providers and information services as well as providing other similar administrative and ministerial functions. Your trust pays the creation and development fee as a fixed dollar amount at the close of the initial offering period. The sponsor does not use the fee to pay distribution expenses or as compensation for sales efforts.
The selection process used for each trust differs from one portfolio to the next. In general, through proprietary research, Guggenheim Investments seeks to select securities believed to posess the ability to achieve each individual portfolio’s investment objective.
While it is rare, a security held in a UIT may be removed from a portfolio under certain circumstances, such as a significant decline in credit rating. By and large, securities held in a UIT remain fixed for the life of the trust, regardless of market value. Please refer to each Trust prospectus for additional information.
Investors can buy units of any Guggenheim Investments unit investment trust at the public offering price on any business day by contacting their financial professional. Keep in mind that this price will be more or less than the original offering price. Public offering prices of units of any Guggenheim Investments trust are available daily on the UIT home page.
Certain UITs may be well suited for purchase by Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) or other qualified retirement plans. Investors should consult their attorney or tax advisor regarding tax consequences associated with units held outside one of these tax-deferred vehicles. Please note that Guggenheim Funds Distributors, LLC. does not offer tax advice.
Guggenheim Investments UITs are available in a wide array of asset classes including domestic and global equity, taxable and municipal income, as well as theme, sector and multi-asset portfolios. An investor should consult a financial representative to best consider which UITs may be a fit for his or her investment strategy.