Reaching For Yield
Post on: 20 Апрель, 2015 No Comment

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In the income-starved world of Fed rate suppression, investors, especially those in retirement, suffer illusions about what income they are getting. They are easy prey for Wall Street hustlers who feed those illusions. The principle at work here is captured in an old brokers’ slogan: “If the ducks quack, feed ‘em.”
Protect yourself. Understand these ten ways that yields can be deceiving.
1. Weak dividends. Groping for cash payouts, some people put too much stock in stocks with fat yields.
Apollo Investment Apollo Investment (AINV) is paying a 20-cent quarterly dividend, for an annualized 9.9% yield. The most recent quarterly earnings (including capital gains and losses) were only 18 cents a share. Can it maintain the payout? Possibly. Expand it to keep up with the cost of living? That’s more of a reach.
The stock market yields 1.7%. When you go for yields above this norm, you necessarily sacrifice growth. If a stock yields well above average, the dividend is not even safe from cuts.
Action: Don’t fall in love with a dividend unless it is well covered.
2. Junk defaults. The SPDR Barclays Barclays High Yield Bond ETF (JNK) has a yield, as calculated under a formula dictated by the Securities & Exchange Commission, of 5.7%. But that handsome number is something of a phantom. You don’t really earn it because your principal is being chewed up by bond defaults.
The SEC demands that banks, in reporting their earnings, subtract from interest income an allowance for loan losses. It does not impose a comparable rule on junk bond funds. So you’re on your own here. You should come up with an estimate of future principal losses and subtract it from the stated yield.
Over the past seven years JNK’s net asset value has been creeping downward at a rate of 2.7% a year. That’s a fair estimate of what’s in store for the next decade. It says that your true yield is more like 3%.
Action: Before buying a junk fund look at the total return over a long period, long enough to stretch back to before the 2008 crash.
3. Premium erosion. Marion County, Ore. has a tax-exempt bond outstanding with a fat 5.5% coupon. It was issued years ago, when interest rates were higher. It is now priced at a premium. To pry it out of another investor’s hands, you have to offer 121 cents per dollar of par value. For $100,000 of par, that is, you pay $121,000. Your current yield is $5,500 divided by $121,000, or 4.5%.
But you’re not really earning 4.5%. The bond matures in six years. If you buy it now and hold to maturity, you’re guaranteed to lose $21,000 of principal. Allow for this loss and you find that your true yield (called the “yield to maturity”) is 2%.
Action: Before buying a bond look up the yield to maturity. Your broker may have the number, or you can take a peek at Fidelity’s bond database, most of which is open to the public.
4. Call hazards. May Department Stores has an 8.125% debenture due in 2035, and you can buy it for 105 cents per dollar of par. That’s a yield to maturity of 7.6%, very enticing these days for a borrower rated BBB+.
But you’re not likely to enjoy the fat coupon for long. May (now part of Macy's Macy's ) can call the bond in early. If it does, your return is going to be far short of 7.6%. If it opts to make the call at the worst possible time for you, your return will come to 0.8% a year. This calculation, used by any bond analyst of even minimal skill, produces what is called the “yield to worst.”
Action: For a bond that is both premium-priced and callable, the yield to maturity doesn’t do justice to your expected result. You have to get the yield to worst as well.
5. Leverage. Long-term Treasury bonds yield 3%. Not good enough? You could enhance your income–or, rather, kid yourself that you are enhancing it–by buying on margin.
If you have $1 million to play with, you can get a margin loan at a cost of 1%. So instead of buying $1 million of Treasurys yielding $30,000, you could buy $2 million worth, collect $60,000 of coupons and pay out $10,000 in margin interest. Net income: $50,000 a year, or 5% of your account value.
It would be delusional, however, to think that your portfolio skill has enabled you to earn 5% on a Treasury. You’re earning 3%, the same as Warren Buffett would get. Separately, you are playing in a crap game. The crap bets earn you $20,000 a year so long as rates stay put but could cost you a $100,000 or $200,000 loss if rates go up.
Do investors understand this? Nope. Pension funds lavish 20% fees on leveraged buyout artists whose raw performance is mediocre but whose leverage-boosted results look like the work of genius. Retail investors have fallen in love with Pimco High Income Fund (PHK), which buys junk bonds on margin; they have bid up the shares to 150 cents per dollar of asset value.
Action: Don’t be impressed by returns that are juiced with leverage. If you are tempted to buy a high-expense leveraged fund, think of another way to get the same result. Instead of putting $50,000 into PHK, you could put $100,000 into the Vanguard High-Yield Corporate Fund (VWEAX).
6. Options. You buy Apple at $115 and collect $1.88 a year in dividends, for a yield of 1.6%. Not good enough, you decide. So you write out-of-the-money call options against the stock, pocketing, let us say, another $10 a year. (A February Apple call with a $125 strike price was recently quoted at $2.48.)
If you’re lucky, the stock doesn’t go up enough for the options to be exercised, and the $10 is yours to keep. It seems you have found a way to get a 10% yield out of the stock.
Balderdash. Selling options does not create income. It’s just a way of taking small bites out of principal.
The reality may not confront you at first, especially if you happen to commence your covered-call program in a sideways or down market. Keep this up for a few market cycles, though, and you’ll shrink your net worth. That’s because the portfolio crashes during a crash but does not recover during the recovery, because you have bargained away most of the appreciation.
The Eaton Vance Tax-Managed Global Diversified Equity Income Fund (EXG) buys stocks and then writes call options against stock indexes in order to generate income. The payouts are plump, the erosion of principal quite glaring. The fund’s share price is half what it was when the fund was created in 2007.

Action: Before buying any fund with an outsize payout, track the history of the net asset value over five years. If there isn’t a five-year history, don’t buy it.
7. Return of capital. After collecting your dividend checks you’re still hungry. So every quarter you cash in some of your principal and call it “yield.”
The John Hancock Tax-Advantaged Global Shareholder Yield Fund (HTY) does this for you. Over the five years through October 2013, 49% of the payouts were what the IRS calls a “return of capital,” meaning the money is not in any sense income and is therefore untaxed. You could call this a tax advantage, although you’d get the same advantage just making a withdrawal from your bank account.*
Action: Get the financial reports for any fund that has a tempting payout rate and look for return-of-capital mischief. Morningstar’s dividend histories are also useful, although current-year figures may represent estimates; exact figures aren’t known until the fund completes its tax return.
8. Royalty trusts. BP Prudhoe Bay Royalty Trust (BPT) pays out the income from a collection of oil and gas wells on the North Slope of Alaska. The wells are running out. To think that the current dividend of 13% will last forever is delusional. Great Northern Iron Ore Properties (GNI) is even more problematic. It seems to have a 43% yield, but it is destined to evaporate in April.
Action: If you want to own a depleting asset, get a blue chip. Buy stock in Exxon Mobil or BHP Billiton and sell some of your shares every year, until there are none left.
9. Inflation. The government that wants you to lend it money for 30 years at 3% also wants to make sure that the dollars you get back won’t buy very much.
Inflation over the past year has been 1.7%. Subtract that (or more than that, if you are a cynic) from your nominal yield to get the real yield. The Treasury bond that seems to be yielding 3% is really yielding 1.3%. The junk fund that seems to earn 5.7%, or 3% when you allow for principal losses, is no better.
Action: If you want to protect yourself against inflation, buy the Schwab U.S. Tips ETF (SCHP) and accept its meager yield. If, on the other hand, you are willing to take a chance that inflation will remain tame, buy a fund that owns conventional bonds, the ones that don’t have inflation adjustments. But in that case you must subtract an inflation estimate and contemplate the likely real return from the market you are buying into. If the market return is only 1.5%, you will be very sensitive to a bond fund fee that gobbles up 1% of it.
10. Taxes. Income tax is figured not off your true yield but off a much higher number. There’s no deduction for inflation, for example, and the capital losses created by most of Wall Street’s yield games are only partly deductible.
For a high-bracket taxpayer, the real aftertax return on Treasurys, corporate bonds and many municipal bonds is negative.
Action: Put as much as you can inside tax-protected accounts. Outside, expect only to break even on fixed-income holdings. Scale back your ambition to retire early.
*Since this story went to press, Hancock has announced that HTY’s 2014 distributions won’t include a return of capital. See related story .