Key Reasons To Invest In Real Estate

Post on: 16 Июнь, 2015 No Comment

Key Reasons To Invest In Real Estate

Key Reasons To Invest In Real Estate

The global economic recession of 2008 is often linked to the United States housing bubble and subprime mortgages. In the aftermath of the recession, there was much negative sentiment over the real estate sector and few were inclined to consider investments into the sector, in a positive sense.

However, real estate investment is simply the purchase of a future income stream from property and quite undeserving of the tarnish to its reputation. Here are some of the key reasons to invest in real estate. (For a complete look back at the mortgage meltdown.)

Competitive Risk-Adjusted Returns

Based on data from the National Council of Real Estate Investment Fiduciaries (NCREIF), private market commercial real estate returned an average of 8.4% over the 10-year period from 2000 to 2010. This credible performance was achieved, together with low volatility relative to equities and bonds, for highly competitive risk-adjusted returns.

Critics would argue that the low volatility characteristic of real estate is the result of infrequent real estate transactions. This means that property values are often determined by third-party appraisals, which tend to lag the market. The infrequent transactions and appraisals result in a smoothing of returns, as reported property values underestimate market values in an upturn and overestimate market values in a downturn.

While it’s true that historic estimates of real estate volatility should be adjusted upward, real time markets are vulnerable to sudden unexpected shocks. A good example of this would be the Flash Crash of May 2010, when $1 trillion in stock market value was erased in just 15 minutes. In an environment where market volatility is an issue and the dynamics of algorithmic trading are murky, the more stable pricing of real estate is attractive.

NCREIF U.S. National Property Index Returns, 14 July 2011

High Tangible Asset Value

Unlike stocks and, to some extent, bonds, an investment in real estate is backed by a high level of brick and mortar. This helps reduce the principal-agent conflict, or the extent to which the interest of the investor is dependent on the integrity and competence of managers and debtors. Even real estate investment trusts (REITs), which are listed real estate securities, often have regulations that mandate a minimum percentage of profits be paid out as dividends.

Attractive and Stable Income Return

A key feature of real estate investment is the significant proportion of total return, accruing from rental income over the long term. Over a 30 year period from 1977 to 2007, close to 80% of total U.S. real estate return was derived from income flows. This helps reduce volatility as investments that rely more on income return, tend to be less volatile than those that rely more on capital value return.

Real estate is also attractive when compared with more traditional sources of income return. The asset class typically trades at a yield premium to U.S. Treasuries and is especially attractive in an environment where Treasury rates are low.

Portfolio Diversification

That said, advances in financial innovation have presented a solution to the issue of illiquidity, in the form of listed REITs and real estate companies. These provide indirect ownership of real estate assets and are structured as listed corporations. They offer better liquidity and market pricing, but come at the price of higher volatility and lower diversification benefits.

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