How to Calculate Portfolio Weights (6 Steps)

Post on: 14 Июнь, 2015 No Comment

How to Calculate Portfolio Weights (6 Steps)

There are multiple ways to calculate weights in a portfolio; however, the most common and widely accepted method is based on total value of the portfolio. The other popular method is using the number of units held compared to total units held. The weight of an asset in a portfolio is not typically a final step in a portfolio analysis, but is used as a building block to complete other methods of portfolio analysis.

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Based on Value of the Portfolio

Add the value of each investment in your portfolio to calculate the portfolios total value. You can find this information on your brokerage statement. As an example, you own stocks in Company A, Company B and Company C. You own $700, $200, and $800 in the stock, respectively. The total value of your portfolio is then $700 plus $200 plus $800, which equals $1,700.


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How to Calculate Portfolio Weights (6 Steps)

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