Forbes Newsletters
Post on: 29 Май, 2015 No Comment
Let Richard Show You How to
Bulletproof Your Nest Egg!
Meet Richard Lehmann: Forbes’ Secret Weapon and the #1 quoted source on bonds, preferred and convertibles. When you subscribe to his newsletter, Forbes/Lehmann Income Securities Investor . he will show you how to make more money by taking less risk.
In 2006, Richard’s top fixed income portfolio generated a TOTAL RETURN of 14%. and three of his four portfolios returned 9% or more.
But Richard’s ability to beat the returns of the stock market with fixed income securities is hardly new. He’s been proving that he’s a low-risk, high-return moneymaking machine for years. In 2005, a flat year for investors, his top fixed-income portfolio produced a respectable 11% total return. over four times the return of the S&P 500. And in 2004, Richard Lehmann’s top portfolio generated a TOTAL RETURN of 15% vs. 9% for the S&P. And in 2003, he beat the S&P 500 by 20.9%. and by 11.3% in 2002! He also helped keep his subscribers’ money safe during the crash of 2000, when he outperformed the NASDAQ by a whopping 51.4%.
And now Richard is showing his loyal subscribers how to profit from Canadian Royalty Trusts . closed-end investment trusts produce a steady stream of earnings from royalties received from the distribution of natural gas and oil. They are yielding a handsome 13% to 17% dividend income — taxable at only 15%. And they have capital appreciation as well.
By subscribing, you will receive four FREE reports that will allow you to maximize your fixed income investing potential.
FREE REPORT #1) Top 3 Yield Gushers to Fatten Your Wallet
Oil has declined to around $60 a barrel from a high near $77. What affect does this have on the lucrative dividend yields of Canadian Income Trusts? The trusts recommended in this free report are at or near an 18% yield with a proven oil reserve life of 10 years or more.
FREE REPORT #2) The Insiders Guide to Buying High Yielding Preferreds and Trusts
Earn safe high returns in turbulent times by making the Presidents tax exemption work for you. This report will help you identify those preferreds that qualify for this valuable exemption, maximizing your tax-free income. Let Lehmann explain how these and other fixed income securities work and which are best for your portfolio.
FREE REPORT #3) Earn Powerhouse Returns In The New PET Bonds
Meet PETS, preferred equity-traded bonds, the hottest investment in the bond field. Invest as little as $2,500 in highly attractive bonds that would usually require a huge minimum investment. PETS are exchange traded in $25 denominations allowing you to follow their prices like stocks.
FREE REPORT #4) Richard Lehmann’s Bond Investor’s Owners Manual
A comprehensive 43-page report that tells you all you need to know about investing in bonds, preferreds and convertibles, as well as shows you exactly how to use Forbes/Lehmann Income Securities Investor each month to build your wealth. It will also fill you in on dozens of picks, explain how bonds and credit ratings work and give you a 3-step formula for diversifying a portfolio of bonds.
With your subscription, you’ll receive:
Monthly issues of the Forbes/Lehmann Income Securities Investor
Monthly Picks: Richard’s best corporate bonds, Canadian Royalty Trusts, preferred stocks and convertible securities
Richard Lehmann’s Pick of the Month
Model Portfolios for every investing style, from conservative to aggressive
Richard Lehmann’s timely market commentary
And your 4 FREE special reports:
- Top 3 Yield Gushers to Fatten Your Wallet
- The Insider’s Guide to Buying High Yielding Preferreds and Trusts
- Earn Powerhouse Returns in the New PET Bonds
- Richard Lehmann’s Bond Investor’s Owners Manual
Subscribe to Forbes/Lehmann Income Securities Investor today!