Financial Education Resources Bank of Canada

Post on: 22 Апрель, 2015 No Comment

Financial Education Resources Bank of Canada

An annotated list of Canadian and international websites that provide financial information, on topics such as inflation, banking, personal finances, investing and consumer protection.

Canadian Resources

Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF)

AMF is the government body that regulates Quebec’s financial markets and provides assistance to consumers of financial products and services. The Consumer Services section of this website provides useful tools and information to help consumers make informed decisions about managing their personal finances.

B.C. Securities Commission (BCSC)

The Commission’s Invest Right program provides information on how to become an informed investor, follow the market, work with an advisor and spot investment fraud. Its Planning 10: Finances website (a mandatory Grade 10 course in B.C.) helps teachers teach and students learn about basic financial skills.

Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation (CDIC)

CDIC is a federal crown corporation that protects the savings of Canadians in the event of a failure of their financial institution. This website provides information on what is covered and what is not, as well as which financial institutions are CDIC members.

Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)

CMHC is Canada’s national housing agency. This website features information (in eight languages) on buying a home, mortgage loan insurance, renting, maintaining and renovating a home. Easy-to-use online tools, such as the Mortgage Payment Calculator and the Mortgage Affordability Calculator. are complemented by a range of publications, such as Homebuying Step-by-Step and the Condominium Byers’ Guide

Canadian Association of Accredited Mortgage Professionals (CAAMP)

CAAMP’s Mortgage Resource Centre provides information to help consumers understand the basics of a mortgage and offers tips for first-time homebuyers as well as mortgage calculators and other tools.

Canadian Bankers Association (CBA)

CBA is a banking industry association of about fifty chartered banks operating in Canada. This site offers brochures on mortgages, financial planning, small business financing and other consumer topics. Your Money is a practical financial literacy tool for young people.

Canadian Foundation for Economic Education (CFEE)

CFEE is a non-profit organization that works to promote economic and financial literacy in Canada, with an emphasis on producing teaching kits and student materials on economics and entrepreneurship. The Foundation’s website provides links to a variety of online educational resources.

Canadian Payments Association (CPA)

The CPA’s mandate is the safety, soundness and efficiency of the core national clearing and settlement systems for payments, which are essential to meeting the payment needs of Canadians. This site contains CPA rules and standards, payment guides for businesses and consumers, and FAQs. The CPA Learning Exchange offers educational videos to help Canadians understand the clearing and settlement process for the payments they use each day.

Federal Department of Finance — Frequently Asked Questions

Provides answers to common questions about the Department’s activities, the federal budget, banking, Canada savings bonds, taxation, federal benefits, etc.

Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (FCAC)

FCAC is a federal government agency mandated with the protection and education of consumers of financial products and services. Its website provides accurate, objective information on financial products, complemented by interactive tools, calculators, videos and complaint letter templates. Youth and educators in particular will be interested in The City. The Money Belt and Financial Basics .  A new comprehensive tool, Your Financial Toolkit. was also developed recently to help Canadians become savvier financial consumers.

Financial Services Commission of Ontario (FSCO)

The FSCO’s Financial Literacy Portal provides links to other Canadian websites for consumers that cover an array of topics: banking, mortgages, ombudsman services, financial planning and investing, and resources for near-retirees and retirees. It also provides links to international financial resources.

Investor Education Fund (IEF) — Get Smarter About Money

Founded by the Ontario Securities Commission, the IEF site provides personal finance advice for consumers in various life situations as well as resources for teachers and students. It provides a good overview of the main types of consumer investments — stocks, bonds, mutual funds, RRSPs — and offers a variety of calculators, worksheets and quizzes.

Office of Consumer Affairs, Industry Canada — Canadian Consumer Information Gateway

Established by the federal Office of Consumer Affairs (Industry Canada), this website offers consumer tips and advice on a wide range of consumer topics. The information is organized by consumer type (e.g. young consumers, seniors), by product or service (e.g. buying a used car, TVs) and by issue (e.g. privacy protection, identity theft). The gateway also provides instructions on making complaints about products.

Financial Education Resources Bank of Canada

Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy Canada (OSB)

The OSB is an agency of Industry Canada. OSB’s site provides consumer advice on how to deal with debt, bankruptcy basics for debtors and creditors, financial guides for youth, etc.

Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OSFI)

OSFI is the primary regulator of federally regulated financial institutions, insurance companies and pension plans. This site’s FAQ page provides information on consumer complaints against financial institutions, on money laundering, financial scams, etc.

Ombudsman for Banking Services and Investments (OBSI)

OBSI is the national independent dispute resolution service for consumers and small businesses with complaints against their banking services or investment firms. This site provides information on typical complaints OBSI will handle (debit and credit fraud, mortgage prepayment penalties, suitability of investment advice), the range of firms covered and advice to consumers on how to make a complaint.

International Resources

United Kingdom — Bank of England

This site of the central bank of the United Kingdom offers a variety of interactive tools, teaching resources and online videos on money, inflation and central banking. Although geared to U.K. economic conditions and policies, this site is a resource for educators everywhere and for anyone interested in the role of monetary policy in a modern economy.

United States — Federal Reserve Education

This portal, which brings together the educational resources of all 12 U.S. Federal Reserve Banks and the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve, provides public and classroom resources on economics, personal finance, banking, and money; interactive tools and games for grades K to 12; and links to other sites of financial education (within and outside the U.S. Federal Reserve system).

International Monetary Fund — EconEd Online

This IMF site aims to help students understand the history of money, macroeconomics, the importance of international monetary cooperation, the value of global trade and the role of the IMF. Resources include lesson plans and interactive games.

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) — International Gateway for Financial Education

Developed as part of the OECD Project on Financial Education. this Gateway provides access to a comprehensive range of information and financial education issues by country, sector, theme, tools and programmes (e.g. school and workplace programmes), and by targeted groups (e.g. women, investors, media).

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