Build A Defensive Portfolio

Post on: 17 Май, 2015 No Comment

Build A Defensive Portfolio

Late last year saw the launch of an exchange-traded fund based on something called the “Highly Defensive Index,” a basket of consumer staples, commodities, health care and energy stocks built to survive a bear market. Unfortunately, new ETF launches were difficult last year, and this one debuted to some online chatter and then quietly disappeared.

But the idea has appeal, and even in the absence of an investable index, some of these stocks make sense, says the Investor Team.

Lloyd Khaner, manager of the long-short Khaner Capital fund says that the defunct ETF went wrong by including Wal-Mart as its only retailer. Khaner would add Costco. Staples and PetSmart to the mix, he says.

This follows a theme previously explored by the investor team in “Recession-Resistant Retailers” and more recently in “McDonald’s Loves Your Recession.” The argument for these stocks is that all these consumer staples companies have big footprints and can offer the best prices on necessary purchases. Even in a recession, people need office supplies and cheap eats.

Khaner also likes Treehouse Foods. a company that makes private-label and store-brand groceries, and Praxair. a company that produces gases for industrial use. What he likes most about Praxair is that its customers are locked in to long-term contracts, so that even if they experience a drop in demand, Praxair gets paid.

Randy Frederick, director of trading and derivatives at the Schwab Center for Financial Research, thinks it might be too late to build an entirely defensive portfolio, but likes the idea of dollar cost averaging into safe-seeming stocks and funds. He points to the total drop in the S&P 500 as well as new lows in consumer confidence as evidence that the market could turn. While he cautions against trying to call a bottom, Frederick says making some prudent investments and holding them, despite volatility, could pay off.

Sacha Millstone from Raymond James & Associates cautions that defensive stocks are not impregnable. She can still see just about any stock losing 10% or more in this environment. Don’t confuse “defensive” with Treasuries and bank accounts, she says.

The Defensive Portfolio

Forbes: There is a new index floating around called the Highly Defensive Index. What do you make of such an index now? What would be in your highly defensive index? Is there a highly defensive ETF you would or could recommend? Is being overly defensive also a bad idea?

Khaner: I think a defensive index for a conservative investor makes sense in the current environment. It will underperform the market if things start to improve, but in the case that the averages have another leg down, it will likely not drop as much–as was the case in 2008. I also like the 3% dividend.

One issue to keep in mind based on the make-up of the index is that it is consumer staples- and health care-heavy as far as number of companies involved. If you believe that either one or both of these groups might take it on the chin in 2009, then you might think twice. Health care is one of the Obama administration’s core projects, and that may limit upside or enhance downside to this stock group, based on information that comes out of Washington.

The index does look a bit commodity-light to me. There are no pure food commodity producer companies in it, or timber. Only one hard asset play–in Barrick Gold–which will benefit from a rise in gold and, to a lesser extent, copper prices.

Forbes: What are some names you might add to your defensive index, and drop from this one?

Khaner: I would add industrial gas manufacturer Praxair, PX (full disclosure: I own it in my fund), for its long-term contracts with its customers, stable dividend, stock buybacks and superior management. It is a pretty steady ender due to its multi-year client contracts, sometimes 15 years, that are “take-or-pay,” which means even if you don’t use the amount of gas you expected to use, you still must pay for the amount agreed upon. They have a backlog of new projects around the world that should remain robust even if there is some slippage or cancellations.

I think adding another retailer to the mix makes sense too. So far, Wal-Mart is the only retailer. For a bit of breadth, I would consider adding one or two of the following defensive companies that have a somewhat different customer base: Costco, Staples or PetSmart.

Another addition I would consider is private-label food manufacturer TreeHouse Foods, THS (I own it in my fund). It has a broad and growing array of private-label food offerings, and their customer base (supermarkets, clubs, etc.) is increasing their focus on private-label [and] store brands due to rising demand [from] their customers. This is about as defensive as I can think of in this economic environment.

Nothing strikes me as being needed to drop from this defensive index.

Frederick: For investors concerned about market turmoil, a defensive stance may make sense, but in a bear market that is already 16 months old, it may be a little late in the game. While no one can accurately call the bottom with any consistency, there are many signs that the bottom is near–the relative underperformance of utilities and the relative outperformance of technology in February, just to name a couple.

No one knows if there is additional downside to come, but it is difficult to imagine that the risk to the downside could be anywhere close to the 52% (SPX) we’ve already declined since October ’07.

Other signs that we may be approaching a market bottom include:

–We are already down more than 50%;

–We are potentially forming a double bottom, technically;

–Consumer sentiment near [its] lowest level in 29 years;

–Unemployment climbing but not yet peaked;

–The market has been shrugging off a lot of bad news lately.

The best way to put some sidelined cash to work is in very small batches. Buy stocks or ETFs you like in very small amounts. That way, if they drop further, you can buy more. It is very difficult to pick the bottom, but you can get a lot closer using dollar-cost averaging.

Khaner: In response to the “going on the offensive” question: I would warn against going aggressively offensive. You may get a nice bear-market rally run, but ultimately I think the market [will] move lower before the end of 2009. If someone chooses to be offensive in [this] environment, I would advise them to set specific price targets to trim back positions if those targets are reached. I do not think we are out of the woods just yet.

Frederick: There may still be substantial risk in the market, but additional downside risk equal to that which has already occurred seems unlikely. The prudent use of price targets, stop orders, protective option strategies, etc. is wise counsel in any market. But for an investor with a long-term horizon, starting to put small amounts of cash to work now will likely reduce the chance of missing the recovery when it does occur.

Khaner: Randy makes a good point. When the recovery comes, the market will move up fast and in leaps. Those not continuing to invest will likely miss the first 20% to 30% move up.

My advice for someone going into a defensive index or any index or stock position right now is to only invest an amount they are very comfortable holding through a period, perhaps a long period, of uncomfortable volatility. Because to jump in now and get scared out after a market fall will most likely leave them selling at the real bottom when that comes. This type of behavior leads to permanent capital loss, and that is the ultimate enemy of long-term market-beating performance.

Millstone: I agree with Lloyd on this one. It is very hard to watch as, at each low point, investors decide to cash out because they can’t take the emotional beating any more. They say they will get back in when “things calm down,” but we all know that they will not get back in until after a substantial rally, and thus ensure permanent capital loss.

I think that the parameters of what “highly defensive” means has shifted as appetite for risk has shifted. At this point, when I hear someone tell me that they want a highly defensive investment, what that means to me is an investment that has very little downside risk. So that means bank deposits, money market, certificates of deposit, Treasuries, high-quality municipal bonds and high-quality corporate bonds. And that is about it. Everything else has the possibility of having a price decline of 10% or more if certain things occur, and that doesn’t meet the definition I have of “highly defensive.”

I’m not saying that I think people should invest in a highly defensive fashion right now, but this is what they want when they use the term.

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