Best ETFs for Traders Municipal Bonds
Post on: 13 Октябрь, 2015 No Comment
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Do you want to speculate on when we’ll get the next Detroit or Puerto Rico? You could do that buying and selling a municipal bond ETF. The table below shows the ones that are the cheapest to trade and hold for a brief period.
The Best ETFs for Traders survey measures costs for buyers holding a position for three months. Among exchange-traded tax-exempt bond funds, the cheapest aren’t all that cheap; your frictional loss is going to be at least $9.11 on a $10,000 trade. (The corresponding figure on S&P 500 ETFs is $2.22.)
The cheapest play in tax-exempt bonds is SPDR Nuveen Barclays Capital Short-term Muni Bond Fund (SHM ). But it doesn’t give you a lot of price action. In the 2011 bull market for munis the fund produced a total return of 3.5%, Morningstar reports. In the first seven months of 2014 the total return was 0.9%. The fund eked out the same 0.9% return in 2013’s bear market.
What about a fund with longer-term bonds, which are more sensitive to the ups and downs? The biggest muni ETF, iShares National AMT-free Muni Bond (MUB ), was up 10.9% in 2011, off 3.3% in 2013 and up 5.8% in the first seven months of 2014. But MUB is a more expensive proposition for short-term holders, with a cost of $12.67 for a $10,000 investment.
The problem with trading muni ETFs (or just using them to park spare cash) is their low trading volume. That widens the bid/ask spread, an important component of the cost calculation.
Among the larger muni funds with somewhat low trading costs: iShares Short-Term National AMT-Free Muni Bond (SUB ), SPDR Nuveen Barclays Capital Muni Bond (TFI ) and Market Vectors High-Yield Muni (HYD ). “AMT-Free” means the portfolio shuns so-called private purpose bonds, whose interest is subject to the alternative minimum tax.
If your plan is to own municipal bonds for a long time, skip the table below and look at the muni funds in the Best ETFs for Investors survey. which ranks on ten-year costs.
The rules and methods for the Best ETFs for Traders rankings are set forth in this summary. That file also has links to all the tables ranking funds for short-term holding costs.
The cost figure measures how much you lose to fund fees and the bid/ask spread; it does not include brokerage commissions. Tradability is a statistic from that captures how easy it is to get in and out of a position. The “commission-free” column reflects deals available at Fidelity, Schwab, TD Ameritrade and Vanguard.