An investor s guide
Post on: 15 Июль, 2015 No Comment
Policy moves to contain Europe’s sovereign debt crisis over the past month and speculation that another round of quantitative easing in the United States is imminent have equity markets around the world back on solid ground. But investors aren’t off the edge yet: A looming crisis, known as the fiscal cliff, threatens to plunge the U.S. economy back into recession.
“The fiscal cliff may be the storm of the century,” said Leon LaBrecque, managing partner and founder of LJPR LLC, an investment firm in Michigan. “If we go off the cliff and don’t fix the cliff fast, I see the only logical outcome is a recession.”
Whether such a dire scenario actually awaits investors will largely depend on the actions of U.S. policymakers over the next four months as they finally get down to addressing the billions of dollars in spending cuts and tax breaks that expire at the end of year. In any event the remainder of this year will be a volatile time for investors.
The usual brinkmanship could roil markets even if Congress decides to kick the can down the road
“You might want to proceed cautiously,” said Peter Buchanan, a senior economist at CIBC World Markets. “The usual brinkmanship could roil markets even if Congress decides to kick the can down the road.”
At stake is the expiration of US$280-billion in Bush-era tax cuts for lower-, middle- and upper-income earners; the end of US$40-billion in extensions to unemployment insurance eligibility; and the demise of US$120-billion in payroll-tax holidays. At the same time, US$98-billion in federal spending cuts, enforced by the Budget Control Act of 2011, will come into effect.
All together, the spending cuts and tax breaks are worth 5% of U.S. GDP and represent the biggest fiscal cut in relative terms since 1942.
Many analysts say the fiscal cliff can be avoided, at least partially, if the Bush-era tax breaks are extended — a scenario most people think will unfold because that’s what has happened in the past. Not everyone, however, agrees.
Our view was, and still is, that fears of the repercussions of the fiscal cliff are overblown
“Our view was, and still is, that fears of the repercussions of the fiscal cliff are overblown and we doubt either political party will allow the full expiration of the tax hikes, choosing instead to kick the expiration can, though for what length of time, no one can know,” said Pierre Lapointe, a macro strategist at Brockhouse Cooper in Montreal.
The automatic spending cuts are likely, he added, but that alone will not be enough to single-handedly trigger a recession.
On the other hand, Ethan Harris, the co-head of economic research at Bank of America Merrill Lynch, said the risk of the U.S. falling off the fiscal cliff is actually heightened because of the contentious nature of its presidential election to date.
“We worry about two scenarios. One is where the two parties decide to use the cliff as an extreme form of brinkmanship,” he said. “After all, other budget deadlines, such as the debt ceiling and spending appropriations, have proven useful in extracting concessions from the opposition.”
The second risk is the two-government system that often occurs in the months following an election. “If there is a shift in power, we worry that the old government will demand a compromise that is unacceptable to the new government,” Mr. Harris said. “The new government could then decide that going over the cliff is a small price to pay for being able to get exactly what [they] want a month or two later.”
David Sherlock, a portfolio manager at McLean and Partners Wealth Management Inc. in Calgary, puts the odds in favour of avoiding the fiscal cliff at 70-30, but thinks even the slightest blow to the U.S. economy could damage investor sentiment.
He sees four potential ways the fiscal cliff situation could play out.
First, Barack Obama wins re-election with the Democrats retaining control of the Senate and the Republicans holding the House of Representatives. This result will create more political gridlock, which will lead to stock market volatility.
The second outcome has Mitt Romney winning the election with the Republicans controlling the Senate and the House, allowing Mr. Romney to take a “pragmatic, centrist approach that would allow for quick compromise and clarity for the equity markets.”
If Mr. Romney wins, but Democrats maintain control of the Senate, Mr. Sherlock believes he will enact legislation that prevents the worst of the fiscal cliff, while long-term solutions continue to be debated.
The last scenario is where the election is too close to call and the fiscal cliff takes hold of markets before a winner is declared. In this case, both parties would likely moderate their tone on economic issues during the closing weeks of the election to pave the way for a compromise that prevents most of the looming cuts, he said.
No matter who wins the election, Mr. Sherlock said it will be several weeks after the vote before the bulk of the sunset clauses are triggered. This will give investors time to gauge whether the election results will lead to more political gamesmanship or a move toward conciliation and compromise.
If the gamemanship occurs, Mr. Sherlock said investors should lengthen the maturity of their bond holdings in anticipation that the U.S. Federal Reserve will drive down interest rates.
“As yields decline, longer-dated bonds will experience greater price appreciation,” he said.
Mr. Sherlock also advised investors to actively hedge equity markets to offset downward moves in the markets, increase their cash positions and hold on to companies that have strong balance sheets, large cash holdings and the most attractive dividends.
If reconciliation is the order of the day, however, markets would likely stabilize and rally higher, allowing investors to take a more aggressive stance with their portfolios.
“We are concentrating our efforts on things we can control,” Mr. Sherlock said. “That means hoping for the best and preparing for the worst.”