African Charities
Post on: 28 Апрель, 2015 No Comment

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Whose mission is help young Malawians reach their potential through the development of local education.
This small fund, run by a VSO volunteer, helps young Malawians recommended by Headteachers to complete school and vocational training. With minimal administrative costs, all funds go directly to pay fees.
charity number 1155841. We provide food for pupils, support teacher development, and perform facilities maintenance for community schools in the slums of Nairobi. We welcome volunteers
Our projects include demonstration gardens in rural Cameroon that reduce reliance on pesticides and GMO seeds while increasing agricultural productivity and providing better nutrition.
URES is a non-governmental organization established in 2007 to assist the elderly in rural areas by enabling them to obtain skills & facilities for their livelihood. The needy rural elderly vary from those staying alone with no relative to those with orphans and grandchildren
a charitable organisation in Gambia, West Africa is promoting sustainable rural development by focussing on key areas of education, Wildlife and environment since January 2005
Reading Hamlets is a non profit organization thats dedicated to promoting reading and improving literacy in schools, homes and the community across Nigeria through advocacy and outreach plans.
The Open Christian Center strives to rebuild lives and restore hope in Kawiti, Kenya, an area devastated by poverty and AIDS.
Working in the Gambia building bush schools (4 in 18 months), placing orphan children into education, equipment for health sector & kits for football academies.
Enabling orphaned and deprived children to meet their basic needs and to increase their ability to participate in and benefit from their society.
A 501 (C) (3) public charity organization incorporated in the state of New York. Its purposes are to provide food, clothing, transportation, educational, health and medical supplies to children and youths in developing countries.
Scottish registered charity with objectives to assist and empower the disabled, support education in rural areas and care for the youth. We aim to marry needs to resources. We operate mainly in Africa where the trustees have very close connections .
We are a non-profit organization dedicated to improving educational opportunities for East African children. Project Kesho operates primarily in Uganda and Tanzania.
Ghanaian non-profit initiative in Accra, working to improve opportunities for children and young adults in underprivileged communities through education, sport and sustainable community development.
Orphanage and school in Kenya, providing a happy. secure environment for HIV+ children orphaned as a result of the post election violence of 2008 and AIDS.
We are a non-profit providing medical and financial relief to children who have critical medical conditions. Our motto: Touching lives, touching hearts, bringing change!!
A coalition of small charities punching well above their weight for you to discover, learn from, talk to and support. Welcome to our online community.
Charity NGO in Malawi working in areas of HIV/AIDS, Sustainable Environmental Management, Food Security, Education and Health.It provides Simple Solutions that make Big Changes for a Better Life
is a non profit organization committed to the fight against caused of poverty in Kenya; we work to empower poor people away from poverty.
Our mission is to increase access to comprehensive primary healthcare and to help the children escape the bonds of poverty and hopelessness by providing education.
Providing destitute Zimbabwe pensioners with food, medical and counselling support. Also running grassroots community development, medical and education projects.
We are a non profit, non governmental organization based in Kumbo, Cameroon. Our purpose is to make a contribution to fighting poverty in the community.
Works in partnership with Tanzanians to develop models that sustainably improve the quality of life and resilience of rural areas through health improvements, education and economic development.
A registered UK charity that assists children suffering from malnutrition, diseases and lack of education in the Democratic Republic of Congo, central Africa.
a Community Based Organization (CBO) in Ghana that works to support urban poor children, brilliant but needy, to undergo any training of their choice.
Community based cultural tourism, voluntourism, teaching opportunities, we are poverty alleviation in practice. Donors and visitors are urged to visit our projects and see what we are up to.
A nonprofit organization working to aid the academic and emotional development of children in Africa by supporting schools and implementing sustainable development projects.
MBF provides hope & healing to those in need, including funding for medical services & supplies, nutrition, orphan care, community development, & medical mission workers.
A Christian organisation working in education, advocacy, womens empowerment, child survival, youth development, agricultural and spiritual projects in the rural regions of Malawi.
Charity providing free lessons for poor schoolchildren in Kynsna, South Africa. No administrative overhead (all funds spent on tuition).
Children charity helping orphans throughout africa with latest projects in South Africa, Zambia, Swaziland
Link Ethiopia is the first full school link with an Ethiopian secondary school. The website tells of this link but also has plenty of information on Ethiopia, its culture and its people.
We give children in Africa, starting in Tanzania, the ability to achieve in school by providing the facilities and supplies needed for a proper education.
UK and Kenyan Charity supporting deprived Mombasa community through school for poor children, training unemployed adults, microbusinesses for single mothers, empowering community to improve environment.
A place where you can learn more about poverty in Africa, and how to help
Self Help Africa works with thousands of farmers in rural Africa, helping them to feed their families, earn a living and become more self-reliant.
a non-profit organization based in the US dedicated to supporting schools, orphanages and medical facilities in Africa.
Uniting aid in Education, Family Wellbeing and Health across South Africa in its far-reaching 5-year development programme.
Youth Alive exists in Ghana to alleviate the plight of street and vulnerable children in the country. Through training and education it hopes to give children a better future
We are an NGO that supports orphans, needy children and women in Ghana. We run a volunteer program to send volunteers to the orphanages we support.
a small charitable organisation with the purpose of increasing computer literacy and knowledge of information technology amongst children and disenfranchised individuals in Africa.
A registered charity supporting Orphans and Vulnerable Children through work with schools. Paying fees and funding school based projects ranging from buying books to building classrooms.
a community development NGO situated in Buea, Cameroon whose mission is to improve the social and economic well-being and health of the poor and under privileged in our society through education, skill development and job creation.
a non-profit registered in the UK and France that provides academic resources (notebooks, pens, chalk) to several elementary schools in Burkina Faso, Africa. Please visit our website to know more about our actions and impact.
We support grassroots organisations in Tanzania that focus on womens empowerment through education, training and microloans. We fund girls dormitories so they can attend secondary schools.
Temwas objective is to help build a sustainable future for the people of Malawi through community-based projects.
To relieve poverty by providing economic development assistance to impoverished communities in Africa, though working with small enterprises & farmers to create jobs, supported through skills training
a Tanzanian non-profit organization recognized by the government. We nurture the childrens physical and spirtitual needs.
a Christian multinational charity which offers humanitarian and development assistance to Africans caring for orphans.
Help build a school in Malawi: Buy materials or labour to be a part of Africas future
A church-based organization in the US working directly with residents of Hedaru, Tanzania, to improve the quality of life in Hedaru through projects that benefit the entire community
(PEN Trust) is a non profit serving the needy of Dodoma and Singida regions in central Tanzania through education and nutrition programs.
Sponsoring orphans and vulnerable children in Zimbabwe, Africa.
Committed to developing Africas greatest resource people. We invite you to join us in empowering lives and creating opportunities. Come make a difference with us.
An NGO which helps women by training and empowering them to have skills and also developing their businesses. By volunteering you will help change the life of an African woman.
fundraising for the Combonian Fathers village in kotido, karamoja in Uganda
Founded in 2001, the charity cares for and treats several thousand HIV/ AIDS patients holistically with medical herbs which are both safe and organic.
Small and committed local humanitarian project, committed to fighting the AIDS and poverty stricken inhabitants of Togo. We are desperate for volunteers.
EdUKaid aims to enable the children of the developing world to gain dignity and future prosperity for themselves and their community by providing education.
a caring and rehabilitation centre for orphans and needy children from the streets and poor families in Kajiado District in Kenya
A Christian Charitable Organisation providing humanitarian and social services to Orphans and Vulnerable Children in Africa through Community Schools.
We work in Africa training on Six Sigma TQM and CME All information about Health in Africa countries you need all services are totally free
ASAP helps individuals in southern Africa to improve their own lives and become self-reliant with sustainable, community-based development.
Small independent professional charity helping vulnerable young Africans through educational scholarships. Working through through local organisations we now support 1,000+ children and 2 primary schools.
MOP is a Tanzanian organisation dealing with HIV/AIDS orphans and widows and actively looking for short-term or long-term volunteers of all types.
The mission of Pamoja Child Trust, Inc. is to promote, sponsor, and assist Kenyans in developing programs that would optimize the physical, emotional, spiritual, mental and social well being of children.
works with partner agencies to help the thousands of African Street Children find a way out of living on the streets.
A UK registered charity, which funds the education and care of underprivileged children from the poorest areas of Southern Africa.

Nyumba Ya Thanzi is a charitable trust that supports Malawian led development initiatives. We hold parties in the UK to raise money for the work our partners are doing in Malawi.
Dedicated to caring for the neediest children of Tanzania, we are currently supporting a shelter for orphaned street kids who specialize in acrobatics! Volunteers welcome!
empower orphaned children and youth to become self sufficient and self confident citizens through education, healthcare, social development, and income generating activities at orphanages and community schools.
Community based christian organization working with communities to address the needs of vulnerable children affected or infected by HIV/AIDS in a holistic and sustainable manner
PEAS is a UK charity which aims to make a sustainable, long-term difference to the lives of African children through the foundation and development of low-fee secondary schools.
working to support locally-run Congolese health care initiatives that serve the marginalized and vulnerable
Women in Progress works to achieve economic independence of women and alleviate poverty at a grassroots level. Women in Progress also helps people volunteer abroad.
Childaid organises voluntary work in Ghana. Volunteers can teach at schools in Africa. Childaid is nonprofit organisation and is located in Holland and in Ghana.
Offers support for various projects throughout Malawi. Online donations available.
We work towards the alleviation of poverty through better Health and Education provision, and the development of sustainable economic practices.
We provide quality basic educational and health-care services for rural communities in Ghana, especially needy children of school-going age.
Charity bassed in Cornwall UK looking to help street children in Nairobi with shelter education and health
Biblionef South Africa is a unique NGO, which donates new storybooks in all eleven official South African languages to needy childrens organizations throughout the country.
A new charity, based at Mid-Cheshire College, dedicated to the support of education and communities in Africa. We are working with Befole Primary School in northern Lesotho to help them re-build their school.
Homepage of a non profit organization for street children in Lubumbashi, D.R. Congo.
Committed to help East African children reach their potential
Free Medical Care and assistance for the disabled in Ghana, West Africa
A charitable organization delivering community level poverty alleviation support to people in Eastern Nigeria and creating employment opportunities for young people in all of Africa.
an independent, African-led, non-profit organisation. We support and create opportunities for all those who love Africa to help eradicate poverty and suffering across the continent.
a new UK Registered Charity supporting self-help and home-grown food-related projects in poorly resourced communities in South Africa.
A charity helping the poorest of the poor with educational, medical, social, and spiritual needs so that as they are empowered they can, in turn, help others as well.
Our mission is to improve the lives of those in need. Because children and youth are the hope of the future, we believe in investing in them by providing education, training and leadership.
a nonprofit organization involved in assisting Developing Countries, particularly in Africa, to create an environment that promotes development of knowledge and scientific research.
a registered charity in England. The charity was established to give education to the Somali children in Somalia, to provide clean water and basic health care. Membership is open to any individual who is interested in furthering the objectives of the charity.
a child-centred UK charity whose aims are poverty alleviation and educational advancement in rural areas of KwaZuluNatal.
Charity helping Children in Africa. Raising funds for Schools and Hospitals. Getting Youth to help Youth. Sharing Gods Love.
helps donors buy books for children in South Africa. Payments are made to existing online retailers. Books are dilivered directly to end users.
BEADS in conjunction with the African Conservation Center in Kenya has developed a two pronged effort to help the Maasai women and their families in Isinya, Kenya
Harambee Schools Kenya aims to improve the basic infrastructure of poor rural primary schools in Kenya, and to provide them with basic materials, especially textbooks.
The Aim of the charity is to improve the living conditions and the educational standards and facilities in a number of Zambian and Tanzanian communities.
VOLU organizes 3-4 week volunteer workcamps helping poor communities in Ghana.
The mission of Messiah Ministries is to care for orphans, street children, widows and other vulnerable members of society through education, skills training, shelter, health, spiritual guidance and reintegration.
Images, true stories and concrete ways to make a low-cost but lasting impact on the lives of the African poor.
We are the Relief Organisation of the Order of Malta in South Africa. We run 12 charitable projects: 1. A health care centre & Hospice, 2. A Childrens Home, 3. A Pre-Primary School & Crche, 4. A Community Development Centre, 5. A First Aid & Emergency Service, 6. A Feeding Scheme for malnourished infants, 7. A social club for senior citizens, 8. An AIDS Education Programme, 9. A Poor-Sick Fund, 10. A Bursary Fund, 11. A Relief Fund, 12. A Disaster Relief Service.